No. 35] VELICHERLA GRANT OF PRATAPARUDRA GAJAPATI : SAKA 1432 209 of a couchant bull, conch, sword and elephant-goad. When the Süryavambi kings succeeded to the government of Orissa, they replaced the four objects so as to suit their faith and prowess. Kapilögvara's copper-plate grant shows a harnessed elephant and the hilt of a sword. There are some ornamental engravings on the hilt.
Only one charter of Purushottama Gajapati is found till now and it is published in J. B. and 0. R. S., Vol. IV, pp. 361 ff. and plate, under the caption : A note on an inscribed copper axe-head from Orissa. The seal represented at the end of the inscription is composed of the engravings of four objects (1) a letter (2) a conch (3) a double-edged long sword (4) a dagger.
The first looks like the figure 3 with an uplifted tail behind. Since the donor was a worshipper of Durgā (Sri-Jayadurgāyai namah), he might have adopted the lion, the vehicle of Durga as bis emblem or crest. This figure represents the rampant lion. (2) The conch may stand for the parcha-maha-sabda, often found mentioned in the copper-plate charters of the early Ganga kinga.
(3) The long sword is always a sign of royal authority and valour. (4) The dagger is another weapon used in a closer fight.
Purushottama's son Pratāpa-Rudra Gajapati reduced these signs, omitting the conch, to the writing form.
The first crest lost its middle horizontal projection but retained its tail. This stands for the rampant lion, as emblem of valour and royalty. Then the long sword and the dagger are combined together. The first two ovals stand for the hilt of the sword; the third oval stands for the handle of the dagger the blade of which is shown by a line from the lower part of the oval.
There are some signs on the handle of the long sword. They are the representation of some ornamental carvings of the hilt as found in the Veligalani grant of Kapilēsvara.
First Plate 1 Gaņānām-adhipa) pāyāt ganda-matt-āli-nisvanaiḥ bhakta-samghgā(nghā)ta-vighn-aughan
vārayan Vāra2 ņānanaḥ (11) Pārāvāra-vissimkhka(ikha)l-ormmi-patali-pathyā nimagnāṁ bhuvam
damshţr-āgrēna samu3 ddharan sa pulaka-svēd-õdgamām-tmanaḥ samssa(sa)rgg-anubhavēna roma-patali-svēd
õda-bimddū(ndū)4 n-iva | kfidā-krõda-kaļēbaro-vatu sadā sapt-ārņņavim-udvahan ||(211*] Asti trayi-mūla-mū5 rttir-Adityö mahasān-nidhi[h*] M ambbhājinināṁ jivätur-Harēr-ddaksbiņa-lochanam
||C3||") Tad-86 nvay-abdhāv=udabhūn=mahaujāḥ | kaļā-nidhiḥ sri-Kapilēndra(ndra)nămă | yat-kirtti
chandra(ndra)-dvita7 y-äri-bhūbhțit | kar-ambbu(bu)jātāni nimilayaṁtti(nti) [411] Sa bhūpatir-ddakshiņa
bhūmipā8 län | vijitya višrāņana-pārijātaḥ | ananya-sādhārapa-sähasa-brir-jagrāha pakohāt=ye(Te)9 lumgä(ngā)pa-durggān [518] Punyas-tadiyyaḥ(diyah) Purushottam-amáék | t-putro
bhavat bri-Puru
1 C. P. No. 17 of 1934-36. * From impressions. • Danda unnecessary. 6 DGA.