(Vol. XXI.
(L. 46.) The medicines to be stocked in the hospital of Virasolan for the year are :
1 measure of Brāhmyam Kadumbūri, ...... of..... exclusive of karungày (nut), 2 measures of Vāsā-harītaki, 1 measure of Daśamüla-harītaki, 1 measure of Bhallataka-haritaki, 1 measure of Gandiram, 1 tūni of Balākēranda-taila, 1 tūni of Panchākataila, 1 tūņi of Labunădyēranda-taila, 1 tūņi of Uttamakarņādi-taila, 1 padakku of ....
.., 1 padakku of Su.. .. sa-ghfita, 1 padakku of Bilvädi-ghrita, 2000 Mandukaravatakas, 1 näli of Dravatti, 2000 Vimala, 2000 Sunētri, 2000 Tamrādi, 1 tūni and 1 padakku of Vajrakalpa and 1 tūni and 1 padakku of Kalyāņa-lavana.
An amount of 40 kāšu (is provided) for purchasing these, (procuring the) medicinal herbs, purchasing . ... . and for 1 padakku of bovine ghee required to be kept under the earth annually for Purānasarpi.
(L. 48.) (There had been provided) 27 kāšu for purchasing 45 nāļi of oil which was required for a year of 360 days for a lamp, at 1ālakku per night, to be kept burning during night in the hospital, 15 kalam of paddy for 180 days from Panguni-Uttiram to Puraţtāśi-Tiruvõņam at 1 kuruni of paddy per day, to one who brought water and poured it .. to be stocked in front of Jananātha-mandapa ; 20 kalam, [2 tūņi) and 1 padakku of paddy for cardamom and artemisia ; 1 kalam, 1 tūni, 2 nāli, 3 ulakku and 3 sevidu of paddy for the dakshina to be paid to one Brahman that performed punyāha (i.e., purification ceremony) and for betel-leaves and areca-nuts; and 1 kādu and 7 mă for purchasing) 2 parisatļam (cloths) to be presented on the day of Tiruvõņam in the month of Purattasi to Mādavan Dāmayan of Vayalaikkāvür and his descendants.
(L, 51.) (This is the account of ecpenses) for the paddy income of 3243 kalam, 2 tūni, 1 padakku, 6 nali, 1 ulakku and 3 sevidu and the amount of 2164 kābu and 2 ma.
If this (amount of) kādu were not available owing to any default), for every kabu (of default) there shall be paid gold weighing one quarter by the Dandavāni.
(L. 52.) Thus in accordance with the nimanda laid down in the sixth year of the king), it (i.e., the inscription) was engraved so that the stipulated expenses might be met under the supervision of the chhātras and teachers. Pasupati Tiruvarangadēvanär alias Räjëndra-Mūvēndavēļār of Mīņafkudi in Idaiyala-nādu, (a sub-division) of Vijayarājēndra-valanādu, (which was a district) of Chõla-mandalam, the adhikari (officer) who conducted the settlement of this nādu, having commanded, Iraivēttin Kumara-Pāśūrkattan alias Virarājēndra-Sembiyadaraiyan of Ayandampākkam in Agudi-nādu, (a sub-division) of Pular-kottam, (which was a district) of Jayangondasola-mandalam, had it engraved. On behalf of Dāmayan Gangaikondasölan alias Sēnāpati Gangaikondabola-Danmapāla, the son of Dāmaya who made this charity, the former's younger brother Dāma .... alias Sēnāpati Virarājēndra-Danmapāla, Taluvakkulaindän alias Abhimānamēru Brahmamārāyan, the son of the Brahman Māngaļür Namassivāya. dēva of . . .. [-cha]turvēdimangalam in . . . . . -nādu, (a sub-division) of Pular-kottam of Jayangondasola-mandalam, had (the order) engraved on stone. This charity shall be under the protection of the members) of the great assembly (mahāsabhā) of SriMadurántaka-chaturvēdi- mangalam. Prosperity.