No. 38.)
and then to be used after keeping it for ten days. This medicine is said to cure dropsy, fistula, hæmorrhoids, krimi (worms), skin disease, disease of urinary organs, different forms of leanness, wind and hiccough.
Panchāka-taila (No. 8) may be identical with Taula-panchaka described in Charaka under gulmas. The five ingredients of this medicine are gingely oil, liquor, cow's urine, viniger and yavāgraja. By the last is perhaps meant the liquid strained from green barley shoots reduced to ashes mixed with four times the quantity of water. This medicine is said to be capable of curing tubercules.
Bilvādi-ghrita (No. 12) is dealt with in the chapter on Grahani-chikitsa-prakarana of Yogaralnākara. The drugs that enter into the medicine are (1) bilva (aegle marmelos), (2) agni (plumbago zeylanica), (3) chavya (poper chaba), (4) ardraka (ginger), (5) bringa-bêra (a variety of double ginger), (6) ghee and (7) chhāga-dugdha (goat's milk). The first five are subject to the process of kwātha and kalka and mixed with (6) and (7) and cooked. This medicine cures dropsy, distaste and grahani.
Verses 70 to 75 of chapter XX of Charaka and verses 15 to 20 of chapter XVI of Ashtangahridaya deal with Mandukara-vaţika (No. 13). The drugs that compose the medicine are triphala triyūshana musta, vēdanga, chavya, chitraka, dārvi, tvang, mākshika, granthika and dewa-dātu. Two palas each of these substances are powdered and cooked in eight times the quantity of cow's urine and then the fine powder of mandura equal to double the quantity of the other chürnas are added and pills made of the size of udumbara (ficus glomerata) and taken with butter-milk. This medicine cures anæmia, skin disease, dropsy, phlegm, piles or hæmorrhoids, jaundice, spleen and diseases connected with urinary organs and spleen.
According to one authority, the ingredients that compose Vimala (No. 15) are sankha, priyangu, nepāli, the trikafu and the triphalas. Another gives the ingredients as madhuka, maricha, pippali, lõdhra, taru-rajans and the triphala. This medicine is said to remove from the eyes timira, patala, kācha and kandu.
The preparation of the vartti known as Suneri (No. 16) is described in the Sahasrayoga under netrar Ogaprakarana. A large number of drugs such as the three acrids, the three fruits, plumbago zeylanica, almus integrefolia, embelia ribes, white lotus, liquorice, rock salt, camphor, conch, achorus calamus, gairika, the two kinds of sandal, lāksha, lodhra, copper sulphate, pitarohini, enter into the composition of this medicine. It is said to be capable of curing all kinds of eye diseases such as kācha, pushpa, palala, urana, däha, rāga, kandu, timira, kukkima, and adhimāṁsa.
The preparation of kalyanaka-lavana (No. 19) is given in verses 29 and 30 of the chapter on Arsa roga in the Vrindamādhava. The ingredients are the Bhallātaka group, the three fruits, danti and chitraka, i.e., plumbago zeylanica, in equal parts with twice the quantity of Saindhava Balt.
The historical importance of the present record lies in the valuable information it gives regarding the king's exploits in the island of Ceylon, besides the facts known from other inscriptions!. The historical introduction of Virarājēndra's inscriptions begins in three different ways. In two sets of records it commences with the words tiru valar, etc., and furnishes complete information regarding his military exploits, while one set of inscriptions begins with the words virame tunai in which these heroic deeds are referred to in brief. A few records of the former type supply us with a list of appointments made and honours conferred by the king on his relations. In some places the smaller historical introductions supplement the information given in the longer ones. A study of all the records of Virarājēndra so far known would
18.1. I., Vol. III, pp. 32 ff. and 193 ff. whore Dr. Haltuoh has exhiustively dealt with the historioul Inote of Vtrarijendra's reign.