20. 1.)
Success. Adoration to the Lord, the Supreme Buddha, honoured by the Lord of the gods, omniscient, compassionate towards all sentient beings, freed from lust, hatred and delusion which have been conquered by him, the bull and musk-elephant among great spiritual leaders, the perfectly Enlightened One, who is absorbed by the best of elements (i.e., by Nirvana). At the Slahächetiya, the Mahātālavari Chā[n]tisiri (who is) the uterine sister of Mahārāja Vāsithīputa ikkäiku Siri-Chā[m]tamūla---absorbed by Mahāsena the lord of Virūpa khas, the giver of crores of yo, hundred thousands of kine, and hundred thousands of ploughs (of land), unimpeded of prirpose in all (his) aims, she who is the paternal aunt of King Mādhariputa Siri-Vira purisadata, (she who is) the wife of the Mahāsēnā pati, the Mahātalavara, Väsithiputa Kandasiri of (the family of the Pūkiyas ; and the mother of Khamdasāgaramnaka, she who, out of compassion for Sramaņas, Brahmins, and those that are miserable, poor and destitute, is wont to bestow on them a matchless and censeless flow of Velâmic gifts, she, the great mistress of munificence, devoted to all the virtuous, having due regard for the past, future and present (members) of both the houses to which she belongs, for the attainment of welfare and happiness in both the worlds and in order to attain herself the bliss of Nirvāṇa and for the attainment of welfare and happiness by all the world, has erected this pillar. In the 6th year of the reign of) King SiriVinapurisadata, the 6th fortnight of the rainy season, the 10th day.
Additional Passage in C 1.
(1.10) achariyānam Aparamahāvinas[e]liyāna[m] suparigahitam imam mahāchetiyanavakarıma (1. 11) Parnagama-vathavānam Digha-Majhima-pa[m]cha-mätuka-okkavichakānamachariyānam Ayira-hamghāna[m] (1. 12) a[m]tevāsikena Digha-Majhima. nikāya-dharena bhajamt-Anadena nithapitam imam navakamar mshächetiyam (1.13) khambha cha hāpitā tiramño Siri-Virapurisadatasa sava 6 V& pa 6 diva 10
For the benefit of the Masters of the Aparamahāvinaseliya sect this pious foundation of the Mahächetiya has been completed by the Reverend Ananda, who knows the Digha- and the Maj. shima-nikāyas by heart, (who is) a disciple of the Masters of the Ayira-hamgha (Skt. Arya-sangha) who are resident in Pamnagama and who are preachers and preceptors of the Digha, the Majjhima-[nikāya] and of the five Mätukas. This pious work, the Mahāchetiya, was completed and the pillars were erected. In the 6th year of (the reign of) King Siri-Virapurisadata, the 6th fortnight of the rainy season, the 10th day.
Ayaka-pillar inscription B 1.
TRANSCRIPT. (1.1) Sidhamh mahārājasa ....-sena-parigabitasa Agiho-(1.2) t-Agithoms Vāja......[hi] rana koti-go-sata- (1. 3) sahasa-hala....bavathesu apati- (1. 4) hata-sa[mm]kapas. V[a]se-......
My translation is based on the assumption that we must read .dan-aparibhag-dvochhina.. . Cf. the corresponding passage in line 8 of the ayaka-pillar insoription 02, infra * Read : -desaka- (C2, 19).
Road : bhada sit-Asar dena (C2, 1. 10).