17 त:(त)श्रीसोमस्क(ख)रपुत्राय पंडित:(त) श्रीकिकमा(नाय) वेदवेदाङ्गेतिहासपुराण
मोमांसाव्याख्या नतत्पराय षट्कर्माभिरताय वा(ब्रा)प्रणाय 18 श्राश्र(शास)नं प्रदत्तं (त्तः) यथा दीयम(मा)नस्य भागभीगकरहिरन्य(ण्य) दण्डा
दायादिकुवितान्वचितं(कमुचितानुचित)प्रभृतयस्तत्सर्वमस्योपनेतव्यं ॥ सर्वान्ये
(ने)तान्भ(भा). 19 विनो(म:) पार्थिवेंद्रान] भूयो भूयः(यो) याचते रामभद्रः [1] सामान्योयं.
धर्मसेतुर्नपाणां काले २ पालनोयो भवद्धिः ।[१२॥*] भूमी(मि) य: प्रति... रहा(बा)ति । यच 20 भूमि प्रयच्छा(छ)ति । उभौ तौ पुन्थ (ण्य)काणी । नियतौ स्वगंगा
मिनौ [॥३॥"] षष्ठि वर्ष(षष्टिं वर्ष)सहस्राणि स्वर्गे मोदति भूमिदः [1]
प(पा)च्छेता(त्ता) बाब(नुम)न्ता ब्व(च) तने(तान्ये). 21 वनरक(के) वये(से)त(त) [18] खदता(त्ता) परदत्ता(सा) [वा] । ये(यो)
हरन्ति(हरत) वसुन्धरा । स्वा(खा)मयोनिस(श)तं गत्वा । चाण्डालेष्व.
भिजायते ।[1५॥'] विंध्याटवीष्वतीयासु शुष्ककोटर. 22 वासिनः [*] मरुसोभिजायते । जे(2) हरन्ति रसुद्धचा [1६॥*] वापी
कु(कू)पसाम्राणि । अश्वमेधस(अ)तानि च [1] गवां कोटिप्रदानेन
भूमिहर्ता न • 23 शुध्यति ।[*] मङ्गलं महाश्रीः । पक्षपटलिकयशोभटेन खिखितं । B.-CHARKHARI PLATES OF PARAMARDDIDEVA: [VIKRAMA-JSAMVAT
These are two copper-plates having raised rims (' high) rivetted to them. Each plate weighs 1804 tolas, but their sizes differ a little, the first measuring 144 by 11t' and the second 143' by 108". The former contains 18 lines of writing against 14 of the latter. On the first plate there is a figure of Lakshmi in the middle of the first three lines, and at the bottom, & round hole in the middle of the last line. In the second plate space was left for a hole, but it was never made and hence the plates were not strung together as was originally intended. The size of the letters in the first plate is 1". They are smaller and more beautiful than those in the second plate, to cover the whole of which the engraver Palhapa, askilful artisan, as he calls himself, had had to raise the size tot'. In the case of the Mahoba plates of Sarivat 1230, I remarked how Palhana worked up his way from the position of a pitalahāra to that of a vijñānin, and this time, fre., six years later, he raised himself to the position of a vaidagdhi-vibvakarman (1. 32). Despite this, there is hardly any improvement in his engraving. The fact remains that the
Road शासनेन.
+Danda not required. Rend ayatt.
• Ahova, Vol. XVL, p. 10. [The Icholihawar plates (Ind. Ant., Vol. XXV. pp. 208 ft., 1. 35) also give this epithet.-E.