wes situated on the river Vannēru, north of the Vyāghra river, and two gavyātis east of the royal residence of Gandēru. The district of Gandēļuvāți is evidently the same as Kandēruvadi or Kandravādi in other inscriptions from the Telugu country.1 Rao Bahadur Krishna Sastri has identified Gandēgu, the chief town of this district and the residence of Jayasimha I, with the village of Kantēru in the Guntar Tāluk of the Guntur District, and the village granted, Nidapary or Nidubaru, with the modern Nidamarru 'which is actually about two gavyütis (i..., eight miles) to the east of Kantoru." Mr. Sewell informs me that Kanteru is a few miles N. E. of Guntar near the main road leading to Bezvade, and that Nidamarru is a few miles N. N E. of it. He is ndable to trace the Vyāghra and Vannēsu rivers, and the town of Asanapura.
First Plate ; Second Side. 1 Svasti [*] Srimad-Asanapura-vasakāt svåmi-Mahäsēna-päd-ánudhyātānāı Hariti
putránă[m] Manavya2 sagðt[r]ånăm Mátri-gana-paripälitanăm* aśvamēdha-yäjinăm Chalukyānām vi[Juddha
vam[]-oda3 yagiri-sikhar-odita-kshitipaty-ahimadidhitēņ
a kala-jagad-a[r]tti-hara-karmana[b] 4 Sri-Kirtivarmaṇaḥ priya-naptă sašaláñchhanasy=ēva sakala-jagan-ma[n]o-nayan-åna. 5 ndana-karasya 8v8-rdpa-lávany- vajita-Makarathya(dhya)jasya Makaradhvaj-apara
nămnaḥ śrimad-aida[m]yugina6 Vishņoņi Vishņuvardhana-mahärājasya priya-tanayaḥ pravarddhamān odaya-pratap
Second Plate ; First Side. 7 sta-så manta-makuţa-tata-ghatita-maņi-mayakha-mañjari-pumja-pimjarita-charan-äravinda
yugalah(lo) nija8 guņa-didhiti-kalapa? Kaliyuga-dhvāntam niräkarishnuh Akhandala iv-akhandita
paura(rushaḥ pa9 rama-brahmanyo måtãpitfi-pát-anndhyātaḥo sri-Jayasimha-Vallabha-mahäräjaḥ(jo)
Ganda 10 ruvaty [m] Vyāghra-nadyas-ch=Httaratah(t)) Vannēru-nadyas-cha tirë Gaņdēru
răjadhånyaḥ 11 pärva-dig-vibhago gavyata(ti)-dvayė Nidubaru-nama-grāmam-adhivasatah
kudum(tum)binaḥ samaveta12 n-ajñāpayati [ll] Viditam-asta vo yath=Asenapura-sthåna-nivåsino ghatika-sámánya
See above, Vol. VI, p. 148, and Vol. XII, p. 62.
Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1916-17, p. 116. Aceording to Mr, Sowell's Lista, Vol. I, pp. 37 and 39, there is a pair of other villages of the same name (Kaptēra and Nidamarro) in the Tanuku and Bhimavaram Taluka of the Godavari District. At my request Mr. Sewell has kindly looked up the Taluk maps in the British Museum, and be quite agrees with Mr. Krishna Sastri's identification, became the village of Kantorp in the Guntur District
is far more important place than the little out-of-the-my village of the mme name in the Tanuka Täluk of the Godivari District,' and because the two villages of Kantara and Nidamarru in this last district are not very close together, and seemingly quite small places' • From the ink-impressions.
• Read tanam . Read Viskipör-,
• As there was no room for the group w of Vishnu at the bottom of the plate, the engraver placed dash (cirāma) above it and added.ww after it Read .kalapina,
.Rend 'rishura
. Read -pad-andhyata.