No. 3.] AN INSCRIBED RELIC CASKET FROM KURRAM. his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at Bodh-Gays. The inscription ends with the prayer that these sacred relics, as well as the Sutra propounded by the Lord, may be honoured by all sentient beings.
TEXT. 1 [Sarn 2011 masa 10 Agunakasa di 20 igel chhunami [khe]tre Varme
[ya"-putrasa [Ruu]bhumi-rañasa . . . . mi Uoha[rga]na Sarva
[sti]vadanas.. gaba[mi]su[bha]mi Bhagavata]sa Saka-mun[i]sa 2 sarira . pradiokhadi Sakayuta Bhagava[ta) Avija-prachaga Barnkara samkara
prachaga viñana viñana-prachaga nama-ruva namaruva-prachaga sha(d-a]y&
tana] sha[-a]yatana-prachaga phasha phasha-prachaga vedana vedana-prachaga tusha tusha-prachaga avadana uvadana-prachaga
bhava bhava-prachaga jati jati-pra[chaga) jara-marana-soga-pari[bhava-dukhader
manasta? uvaga[88]. ... kevalasa dukha [kame]dhasa samudae bhavati sarira mahiphati[e]nal sarva-satvara puyae
sa[rva] sa[tva]na
eśa cha [pra]tichasamasa cha
TRANSLATION In the year 21, of the tenth month Āśvina, on the 20th day, at this moment, in the territory of Varmayasas' son, the king of Ryubhumi, in .. Uoharsana (Uttarasens P) [consecrated), in the sacred shrine of the Sarvāstivādins, the bodily relics of the divine Sikya.' muni. Says the holy scion of the Sakas :
"From Ignorance spring Impressions, from Impressions springs Consciousness, from Consciousness spring Name-and-Form, from Name-and-Form spring the Six Provinces of the six senses), from the Six Provinces springs Contact, from Contact springe Sensation, from Sensation springs Thirst (or desire), from Thirst springs Attachment, from Aitachment springs Existence, from Existence springs Birth, from Birth spring Old Age and Death, Grief, Lamentation, Suffering, Dejection and Despair. [Such is] the origin of [this] whole (or unique) Mass of suffering. May these] relics of the Lord of the Universe [be] honoured by all sentient beings and (likewise) this summary [doctrine] of causes and effects."
[Dr. Thomas's revised text and translation (inserting marks of vowel length).] 1 S. 21 māsa Avadinakasa di 20 ise chhunami Teutra-Varmayasa-putrasa
navakammi[asa Samghārā]mami acharyana[m] Sarvåstivádána[m gaha]mi thabammi Bhagavatasa Saka-munisa
In the Brahmi inscriptions of this period (cf. Lüdere' List Nos. 32, 34) the corresponding expression is comi tahunc or asma kshune, wbile the Tazils silver scroll inscription sa isa dipase. [The e-mark is not seen. The etter may be read ya.-Ed.] ? Read rajasa.
Rond vadina. • The formation of this word does not seem to be quite clear. . The usual form is bhagara (nom.) or bhagavato (gon.). • The other versions have parideva.
+ Read manse * Read than
• Raed samadao, 10 Read mahipatianan.