Fourth Plate ; Second Side. ndravarm mana namadhöyal viñjāpanaya tasy-Asjäptirovam Alap ka-Bo! 89.. ppi-Bo[!] Somayajula-Vellekki-Bo! Marata-Bo! [1] Apicha mobál-lobha30 d-vă yah-kaschid=vighna-karttåra sa pañcha-mabăpătaka-yukto bhavishyati
iti cha [1] 31 Vēda-Vya[sa*]sy. flok[a]s-ch-átra [1] Nighnato bha[r*]tri(tři)-go-vipra-bala
yoshit-ta32 pasvinaḥ [*] ya gatis-sibhavět=vrittimo harata[bo] fäsan-ánkitám (il 1 M Shashthimma varsha-88
Fifth Plate: First Side. 33 ha(ha)kråņi svargg tishthati bhtimi-da[b ] | Akshēptă cheanumant[a*) cha
tány-ova na34 rake vasót [ll 2 1*] Bahubhir=vva[su*]dbă dattă bahabhis-ch-an upálită [18]
yasya-ya85 sya yadà bhūmi[s-] tasya-tanya tadă phalam[|| 3 ||*) Iti Kanakarāma-likhi36 to ka ba (ra) no chatushashthyāśaḥ7 [] Etēshả nămănăm kaik-āsaḥ 37. [pälva]kam)-ok-ama[i] [1"] Choda-Bolo tri(tri)tly- [m]šam [lo]
ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. The Maharaja Indravarman, whose other name was Tyāgadhënu (1. 16 f.), adorned the family of the Chalukyas (1. 6 f.); was a grandson of the Mahårăja Kirtivarmen (1. 7 f.); and was a son of the Maharaja Vishņuvardhanglo (11. 8-10). He granted the villagell of Kondanagaru (1. 18) to Chendisarman (1.25), son of Vishnušarman of the Bharadvāja götra (!. 23 f.) and grandson of Durgasarman, (also called Irralū(r)-Boya, of the Våjasanēya charana (11. 21-23). The boundaries of the village granted were : in the North, Mujumạūru ; in the Kast, Pagundru; in the South, Cherupūru; and in the West, Irbba[lji (11. 18-21).
The grant seems to have been made at the instance of a chief named Kondivarmen, who belonged to the family of Āryyāhū(P), and at whose request the Mahăraja's (viz. Indravarman's) eldest son, who, (like his father), bore the name Indravarman, was appointed executor (ājñapti) of this (grant).19 Line 28 f. seems to contain the names of four witnesses of the grant, preceded by the particle ēvam, thus,' viz. Alapāka-Bol, , . ppi-Bol, Bomayājula-Vellekki-Bol, and Marata-Bo."
Read perhaps Indratarmma-namadhoyo. * Read rigñapanayā tasy=ājnaptihl Eram=. Read kartta.
• Read bhavishyat=iti. Read bhavēd=orittim.
• Read Shashfith. Read chatuhshashty-anfas.
. Read perhaps Etoshan brahmananām ēkaik-ana). A point or dash is engraved between bo and ). 10 The genitive -paksha-sthalasya in line 9 f. proves that the nominative maharajah in line 8 must be mistake of the clerk who drafted the grant, for maharajasya.
21 The text reads grāma-grāma, village of villages,' i.e. a large village' (P) or 'a chief village' ®). The me expression occurs in another Eastern Chalukya grant; see Ind. Ant., Vol. XIII, p. 138, text live 18.
12 The parpose of the pamage from which 1 derive these statements (II. 26-28) is uncertain. If my correction Indratarmma-namadhiyo is accepted, it would still be necessary either to supply after Konditarmmand the word kritaya qualifying the instrumental vijfiäpanaya, or to read Kondisarmmaño.
10 Bēļ is the honoritic plural of Boya, 'a resident, inhabitant'; see my remarks on p. & above.
* The epithet Mārafa-Böga is applied to two of the donees in a grant of Vishnuvardhana Il; see Ind. Ant., Wai. VII, p. 188, text Maes 41 and 50. In 1. 80 of that grant, san prägta must be corrected into sampratta.