guished ; in okundinam= (1.1) i looks like 1, and in bhagarach-Chhriparvvata - (1.1), sri. Govinda' (1. 3), and mahi- (1.4), i loks like i ; t is distinguished from by a loop on the left: but in janins (.9) the second has a loop, aud in jagat-kalmashah (1. 7) and -samvatsarē (1. 14) the t has no loop. Final forms of m and t occur in -arttham (1. 10), r'a sundharām and vrajët (1. 13). The numerical symbols 5, 7, and 10 are used in the duto (1. 14).
The language is Sanskrit prose (with two verses quoted in l. 12 f.), but the abbreviation gi (1. 14) presupposes the Prākļit word gimha (= grishma in Sansk, 't) The incorrect form saptātrise, (for saptatriinsē, l. 14) seems also to be due to Prakrit inceuce. Palatal is es. pressed by lingual in Manchyanna. (1. 11). Consonants are doubled aftur r throughout, and dh before y in -anuddhyātasya (1.1), while tva represents ttva in -satvu- (11. 3, 6). As the notes on the text will show, the rules of sandhi are frequently disregarded.
The inscription records the grant of the village of Vilembali in the Guddădi-vishaya (1.8 f.) to the Brāhmana Agnisarman. The graptor was the Mabārāja Madhavavarman (1.8), son of the Mahārāja Govindavarman (1.3), who was a worshipper of the temple at Sriparvati and belonged to the family of the Vishņukuņdins (1.1). Madhavavarman issued his order to the villagers from his camp at Kudāvāde (1.8) and seems to bave resided at Trivaranagara (1. 4). The executor (ajña) of the grant was (the king's) 'dear son,' Manchyanna-bhattāraka (1. 11). Its date was the 15th day of the 7th fortnight of the hot season in the thirty-seventh year of the reign (1. 14).
In consideration of the comparatively early type of the alphabet of this inscription, I feel. tempted to identify Madhavavarman with a king of the same name, who is known to have been the grandfather of the grantor of the Råmatirtham plates, and the great-grandfather of the grantor of the Chikkulla plates. For easy reference, I subjoin a tabular statement.
Ipür plates.
Rāmatirtham plates,
Chikkulla plates.
Madhavavarman (year 37).
Vikramendravarman I.
Indravarman (year 27).
Vikramondravarman II
(year 10).
Of the localities mentioned in this inscription, Sriparvata (1.1) is perhaps identical with Srisailam in the Karnal District. Whether the Guddadi-vishaya (1. 8 f.) has anything to do with the Guddava di-vishaya to which Dräksharama and Challar in the Godavari District belonged, I am unable to say, nor can I identify Vilembali (1.9), Kudavada (1.8), and Trivarunagara (1.4), which can hardly be identical with the distant Tripuri (Tewar).
1 See my remarks above, Vol. XII, p. 133, and cf. the Madras Epigraphical Report for 1920, p. 99, * Bee above, Vol. IV, p. 195.
See abovo, Vol. IV, p. 83; Ind. Ant., Vol. XIV, p. 53, text 1.77; Vol. XIX, p. 424.