The date is specified on 11. 11-15 as Saka 926 (expired), Krodhi; Ashādha amāvāsyd; an eclipse of the sun. This is quite regular. The Southern cycle is used, and according to the Sarya-siddhanta (true system) the tithi quoted was connected with Thursday, 20 July, A.D. 1004, ending 3 h. 33 m. after mean sunrise (for Ujjain). On that day there was an eclipse of the sun at 3 h. 18 m. after sunrise by Lanka time. Mr. R. Sewell, who has kindly examined this date at my request, remarks that by the true system of the Arya-riddhanta the result is the same, but that by the mean system of the Arya-siddhānta the tithi was connected with the previous Wednesday, 19 July.
The place-namos mentioned are: the Pagalatti Three-hundred (1. 10); the Tumbige Agrahara (1. 11); and Kalkere (11. 23-4). On Pagalatti I may refer to the remarks of Dr. Fleet above, Vol. XII, p. 306 ff., where he identifies it with the district Variously called Hagaritige, Hagarittage, or Hagaratage and connected with the village formerly designated Hagaritage, Hagalittage, or Hagarittage, and now known as Hagarattagi, Hagariţige, Hagarittige, or Hagariţtigi, in the Shoråpor tāluka of Gulbarga District in the Nizam's Territories. Kalkere cannot be identified with certainty; there are several places of the name.
TEXT. 1 Svasti samasta-bhuvan-dýra2 ya Sri-Pri(ppi)thvi-vallabha 3 mahåräjādhirija para4 mösvara paramabhattárakam 5 Batyasraya-kula-tilaka6 n-Akalamkacharitan-Irive7 bedamgam srimat Satya8 áraya-dēvara pada-padm-o9 pajivi Setti Brahmayyam 10 Pagalatti 800rars bali11 ya Tumbige-agrahāra 8812 khs-varishg 926neys Kro13 dhi-samvatsargd-Ashadadha)d-ami14 väsyeya[m]dave guryya-gra[ha]. 15 padandu Betti Brahmayyam Bra16 h[m]esva(sva)ra-dēvargge bitta ke. 17 y-matta 200 ads . . 18 pasekāra-salle
yargge kotta key=ma20tta 30 mata(tha)kke kotta ke21 y=matta 50 déválaya22 nimittam kotta ke23 y=matta 120 [1°) Kalke24 roya Gennayyana 25 magal-Āyohakabbeta26 mma mãnyad=olage max 27 ta(the)kke kotta key=matta 28 50 antu mata(tha)kke ma29 tta 100 [1] Inn-alliya pha 30 ladalt brahmacharyya
From the ink-impressions.
* Read Baka-canela.