The Table is constructed on the lines of Table I of the Indian Calendar and is to be used in the same way. The columns are numbered similarly.
Col. 7. The samvatsara-name,-i.e. the name of the Jovian cycle-, of the year is given as determined by my previous calculations (above, Vol. XIII Table XLII). Entries in italics point to cases where this samvatsara-name differs from that given to the same year by SuryaSiddhanta reckoning.
Col. 8. Months noted in roman characters are intercalated (adhika) lunar months. Those in italics are suppressed (kshaya) months.
Cols. 13, 19. Figures in brackets give the serial number of the day measured from January 1st,
Col. 23. a distance, at mean sunrise, of mean moon from mean sun, or phase of moon stated in 10,000ths of circle, and reduced by the sum of the greatest equations of sun and moon so that calculation of the equations of b and c may always be additive.
Col. 24. b mean anomaly of moon or mean moon's distance from perigee-point of apsis stated in 1,000ths of circle.
Col. 25. c mean anomaly of sun or mean sun's distance from perigee, stated in 1,000ths of circle.
A.D. 629-630, cols. 19, 20. A very close case. The moment of true new moon was less than half a minute after mean sunrise at Lanka ou Wednesday, 1st March. And the first sukla tithi of the year ended after mean sunrise on Thursday, 2nd March, which was therefore by rule the first civil day of the luni-solar year. If new moon had taken place more than half a minute earlier the first civil day of the year, "Chaitra sukla 1," would have been 1st March.
A.D. 968-69, col. 8. the Kumbha samkranti the true moon was waning. The moment of the next, the Mina, samkranti occurred about 2 minutes after the moment of true new moon, so that the true moon was waxing at the Mina samkrants. Hence the lunar month Phalguna was intercalated. According to the 19-year sequence we should have expected an intercalation of the lunar month Chaitra next following. The sequence shows similar irregularities when examined by other authorities, but only very rarely.
A.D. 974-75, cols. 19, 20. Close case. The 1st true new moon after the Mina samkranti occurred 3 minutes before mean sunrise at Lanka on 25th February A.D. 974. That therefore was the day "Chaitra sukla 1."
A.D. 963-64, 982-83, col. 8. In both these years an intercalation of the lunar month Sravana instead of Ashadha would have been more in accordance with the 19-year sequence, seeing that Bravana was the intercalated month in A.D. 1001 and 1020; but prior to A.D. 963 at intervals of 19 years there had been eight intercalations of Śravana, and towards the close of such a run a change of conditions generally becomes apparent.
A.D. 1001-2, 1020-21, col. 8. See the previous note. If in these two years the conditions had made necessary an intercalation of Ashadha, the 19-year sequence would have been uninterrupted.
A.D. 1128-29, col. 8. By the Brahma-Siddhanta the intercalation of Phalguna was clearly demanded. See Remarks preceding Table LX (above, Vol. XV), on the same year as worked by the Siddhanta-Siromani.