[VoL. XVI. 27 मान्तर्गतैवस्तुभिः सहिता सवाद्याभ्यन्तरादायां भुञानस्य कर्षतः कर्षयतो
दानाधानविक्र28 यम्वा कुर्वतो न केनचित्काचिदाधा कर्तव्या । पत्र च । राजराजपुरुषाटविक'
चाटादिभिः खं 29 खमाभाव्यं परिहर्तव्यमिदञ्चास्महानमनाईद्यमनाहार्यवेति भाविभिरपि भूगि
(मि)पालैः 30 पालनीयमिति ॥ उतच्च ॥ षष्टिवर्षयत्राणि खम्मे वसति भूमिदः ।'
पाकेत्ता चा31 नुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत(त्) । स्वहस्तोयं राजश्रीपरमाईदेवस्व
मतमाम । विरचितशभ82 कर्मोवामवास्तव्यवंश्यः सकलगुणगणानां वेश्म पृथ्वीधराख्यः । भलि.
खदवनिपालस्थान33 या धमालखो स्फुटललितनिवेशैरवरैस्तामपम । उत्कीर्य विज्ञानि
पाल्हणेनेति ।
ABSTRACT. (LI. 1-2.) Victory to the moon, the progenitor of the Chandratréya family of kings.
(LI. 2-6.) Victorious is the king Paramardi-dēvs, Lord of Kalajara, who meditates on the feet of Madanavarma dēva, who meditates on the feet of Přithvivarma-dēva, born in the family of the heroes Jayasakti and Vijayasakti.
(Ll. 7-8.) His valour harasses his enemies. He protects the earth as if she were a noble lady, and his wisdom is purified with discrimination.
(LI. 8-23.) Having called the Brahmans, headmen and other officers of the village Dhanaura in the District of Erachha, he states that in that_village land measuring 10 x 6 or 60 square vadhas cultivable by five ploughs, and bounded on the east by the näla belonging to the barber, on the south by a nala, on the west by the embankment of the Bhatahada tank, on the north by a Brahman's land and tank embankment, and also a square of 52 cubits of land for a dwelling. place, has been given by him at Camp Gabila to Pandit Ratanaśarman (whose forefathers had come from Phodiva-Bhatta-agrahāra) on a Tuesday the 4th of the dark fortnight of Magha in Vikrama Samvat 1280, when the sun had entered the zodiacal sign Makara.
(LI. 23-28.) Therefore the donee should be obeyed, and cattle, gold and taxes, etc., should be paid to him and no molestation caused by anybody in the enjoyment of land given along with the temple and mansion, with the rights of easement, with trees, such as sal, sugar-cane, cotton tree, kusum, hemp, mango, madhūka, etc., with forests, mines, hollows and quarries of iron, etc., with animals, deer and birds, aquatic or otherwise, and other objects within the boundaries.
urzfra denotes wild tribes.'
- Read समाधि