16 तगायतमे सम्बमरे । मावे मासि लण(ण)पचे, चतुष्या(ो)
न्तिथावातोपि सम्व
Second Plate.
17 त(त) १२३. माघ वदि ४ भौमवारे मकरगते सवितरि पुण्यतीर्थोद
केन विधिवः । 18 स्वात्वा देवमनुष्चपितृन्मंतयं भास्करपूजापुरःसर(र) चराचरगुरु भगवन्त
भवानी. 19 पतिमभ्यर्थ हुतभुजि हुत्वा मातापित्रोरामनच पुण्ययगोविइये फोडिव
__भाग्रहा. 20 रविनिम्ताय मांजत्यगोचाय यांवत्याङ्गिरसगौरोवृत्तेत(ति)त्रिप्रवराय वास.
नेयसा(मा). 21 खाध्यायिने ठकुरीयशःप्रपौत्राय द्विवेद(दि)श्रीवील्हेपुवाय 22 पण्डितबीरतनशर्मणे वा (बा) प्रणाय कुशलतापूतेन हस्तीदकेन स्वस्तिवाच
नपूर्व(ब) चन्द्रार्क28 समकालं पुत्रपौत्राटा(घ) न्वयानुगामिशासनीसा(क)त्य प्रदत्ता । इति मत्वा
भवनिरानाशरणवि24 धि'येर्भूत्वा भागभोगपशुहिरण्यं करणल्कादि सर्वममै समुपनेतव्यम(म)
तदैनामस्य 25 भूमिं समन्दिरमाकारां सनिर्मामप्रवेशां सर्वाश (स)नेक्षुकासकुश(सु)मसणाम.
मधूका26 दि भूकहां सखनिनिमना(नां)सलोहाघ(या) करा सपशमृगविड(इ) मजलच.
रामपरैरपि सी
I Rend साचलमे.
. Read . • This phrase also occurs in the Semra plates (Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, facing p. 167) and was read by Dr. Carbelliori as साशनेकपीससचाबमधूकादि (Ibid, p. 160) and corrected M सर्वासनेचकपीतशासमवादि. He translated it " asanas, shoota of sugar-cane, bemp, mangoes, madhikar and so forth” (Ibid, p. 158). The correct interpretation is "ral (Shorea robusta), sugar cane, cotton tra, hemp and maius (Basria latifolia)," to which our inscription adds kununa (Schleichera trijuga), which produces most valuable lac. It would appear that the trees or plants mentioned are those which produced most valuable articles, sål giving the best timber for buildings, sagar-CADe materials for manufacture of sugar, cotton tree for cotton, lana or hemp for ropes, and mahua for food, oil and liquor. What seem to be omitted are poppy and gahja planta, which might have been associated with mahua, though the latter's importance is no great that none others can claim . mention on anything approaching an equality to it. The Indian Forester (June 1917) remarks: "Truly the mahua among the forest trees stands equally for idealism and utilitarianism. In the mahua flowers exists acetic acid, and mootone is one of the primary ingredients of cordite, the chief explosive used in the gube which are thundering on different battle fronta in Europe." _• In the Semraplates (Ep. Ind., Vol, IV, facing p. 187) the phrase ronda . सबनम्वचिनिमगान, which Dr. Cartellieri read a ndataforma (Ibid, p. 169); but it seems clear that what was intended to be written we सपनवनिमिवान् (together with foresta, mines and hollows),