(Lines 5-6.) In the realm of Bharata (forming part) of Jambu-dvipa, which is surrounded by the deep Ocean thus described, there is the province of Kuntala ; in it
(Lines 6-7.) Hail! when the reign of the asylum of the whole world, beloved of Fortune and Earth, the great Emperor, the parametuara, the paramabhatfaraka, ornament of Saty.graya's race, embellishment of the Chāļukyas, the fortanate Tribhuvanamalla Vira-SomēgVara-dēvs IV), was advancing in increase, then
(Verse 4.) The mid-county of Ballakunde is indeed conspicuons wherever it is seen, being perfect in beauty, as though it were & mirror beld ever to the end of the lovely face of that Jady the Kuntala-land, who is beauteous as a carling lock on the glorious brow of that dame the Bhārata-land thus described.
(Lines 8-9.) So as regards the beauty of the outer town of the mountain-fortress of Kurugodu in the midst of this county, which may be called a charming jewel-mirror of that lady the brilliant royal city, and which like the mountain of Bharga [Siva] is for all impassable to foes :
(Verse 5.) The outer town, thickly clothed with groves, is beautiful like the stars' path [the sky] when studded with royal swans (as they fy) ceaselessly amidst the noise of the clouds, (or) like the dark blue) breast of (Vishnu) lying in the Milk-Ocean.
(Lines 10-11.) Moreover, as regards the interior of this town
(Verse 6.) As though the Lord of the Ocean, from a great fear lest the submarine fires should eagerly suck up the waters within him, had lodged in this town the niue (kinds of) jewels, there are (here) the jewels of chivalry, jewels of graceful damsels, jewels of. choice jewels, jewels of warriors, jewels of good men and followers, jewels of elephants, horses, And other things.
(Lines 12-13.) Now, as regards the greatness of Raohamalla-dēve, who is renowned as the raler of this town, the Mahēmapdalēsvara, sun to the lotuses of the Sinda race, warrior to the wanton :
(Verse 7.) As Bachamalla was dispensing gifts to the whole eartb, & man of noble courses, blest of nature, who reverently did homage to Bharga (Biva], victor over the com panies of his fves, steady in duty, having the firmness of Mēru, a sun to the lotuses of good men, best of kings, comely as Cupid, majestio, consuming hostile monarchs, master of the whole series of arts, skilful, lover to the goddess Fame :
(Line 14.) So as he was engaged) in this enjoyment of pleasant conversations
(Verse 8.) As amidst the wondering admiration of the earth king Răchamalla, treating most bountifully the good votaries whose objects of desire are noble by gratifying them with all gifts of kine, land, gold, food, drink, etc., was acting as an Isvara (Śiva) (and) a Boun-giver (Vishnu), and was brilliantly advancing in the course of his reigo, the god [Siva] ono day appeared in revelation
1 (Lines 16-18.) Then the Lord of Parvati (Śiva], accompanied by Nandinātha, Nandi, Mabäkāla, Virabhadra, and the rest of the goblin troop, and attended by Hari, Viriñobi [Brabmsn], the gods, the demons, the Nāgas, and the rest of the famous Immortals' company, caune down; and king Rachamalla, reverently gazing and offering salutation, with joy made the lotuses of his hands to form a bads; and Hara, the lotus of his face gently smiling, held
'ct. Mogha-data i. 12.
With this list of nine ratnas may be compared the Baddhist list of the seven ratkas in Dharma-sangraha, 85, with a deferences given there.
That is, he aluaped his hands in the anjali.