This part records minor grants :
I. The gift of a field named Chhittullaks, in which 10 Manis of seed could be sown, and which was irrigated by one leather bucket, in favour of Indraditya-dēva, by Deva-rāja, son of Chamuṇḍa-raja (1. 31).
II. The gift of a field, called Umdiyaka, with boundaries deâned, in favour of Trailōkyamohana-dēva in the grounds of Indraditya-dova, by Indra-raja (11. 32-33).
III. The [permanent] endowment of one Palika [of oil] per oil-mill, five bundles of foliage, 100 garlands of four strings, on the ninth day of the bright half of the month of Chaitra, together with two palas of saffron and one [pala] of betel-nuts from the trading community in the month of Chaitra, in favour of the Vata-yakshiņi Devi (11. 33-34).
IV. The gift of Dhaḍivähä field, in which 10 Manis of seed could be sown, and of Möchcha field, to the north-east of Ghōnța-varshi, requiring 10 Manis of seed, from persons not mentioned and in favour of deities not specified (1. 34).
Then follows the usual verse extolling the giver of land and condemning the usurper (1.35), after which the name of the engraver of the inscription is given as Siddhapa, son of [Sa]tya and the date as Samvat 1003 (A.D. 946).
Deva-raja, son of Chamunda-raja (1. 31), appears to be a scion of the Chahamana family mentioned in the second grant, and Indra-raja (1. 32) is the builder of the temple of the sun (11. 18-19) himself.
[Metres v. 1, Anushṭubh (Sloka); v. 2, Mandakräntä; v. 3, Särdalavikridita; v. 4, Vasantatilaka; v. 5, Sardalavikridita; v. 6, Vasantatilaka; v. 7, Anushtubh (Sloka); v. 8, Särdalavikriḍita; v. 9, Vasantatilaka; v. 10, Sardalavikridita (half); vv. 11 and 12, Annahfudh (Sloka).]
L. 1
भवतु भवतां मानो भूतबे मानवः सदा ।
प्रातर्बभ[स्त] रोस्ताखाः पविचाः पशवा इव 1011 [*] 'ब्रह्मादीनां नियमितडियां' [स्तोच] पानं यदेवं ।" यमिवेताः पुनरपि दियो ।'
[*] [ सूर्याद्या?]ख्यं प्रतिदिनमहो ध्यायते यन्मुनीन्द्रेः तेजस्तो हरतु दुरितं पावनं सप्तसप्तेः । । [ ॥ २* ] [ रुद्रे] विद्रवति द्रुतं सुरपती प[स्ख्यं] प्रति प्रस्थिते ।" वित्तेथे प्रतिपचरायि [त]
1 From impressions prepared by the writer and from the stone itself.
• Read भवन्तु.
This stroke is redundant. Read .
One stroke is redundant. • Read feat.
This stroke is redundant. This stroke is redundant.