No. 32.]
As to the style of it :-(Volae 95)" Say; hast thou my splendid height P: haet thon my glory of an expanse of gleaming lustre of stucco ?: hast thou beauty as I hve?" : having thus taunted the peak of the Silver Monntain, that house of Iga is as it were laughing in mockery with the sounds issuing from the mouths of the bells hanging in its inside.
As to the power of this god Svayambbi:-(Verse 96)-If a snake stings them, a scorpion bites them, or fire seizes opon them, at once men go to his house, perforin circumambulation, and straightway become free from the poison thereof.
(Verse 97) The angaish of the decrepit, the sore-eyed, the man tormented with headache, or one suffering from pains in the ears, or the dropsical, is removed merely by the remembrance of his two feet.
(Verse 98)-The golden spire, with its auspicious ornament, of this house of SvayambhuSiva is such that it may be said that this is the Silver Mountain, which has obtained, by the gift of Isa, the possession of a golden sammit; it is a tree of desire on (the white pile of) Hara's laughter (namely, the mountain Kailāsa), crowned by a summit radiant with yonng red spronts ; in it there is combined the unique substance of the white body and the tawny towering matted hair of the Lord of Oma. matted hair of the Lord of Umā.
(Verse 99)-To the general Raviyaņabbasta and to his boon-born sous and grandsons, headed by Nichi, and to bis cattle, kinsmen, friends, and others, (all of whom) are styled his offspring, may there accrue rise of happiness, noble fortune, abundant means, increasing joy, and glorius success; good fortune to them!
(Verses 100, 101)-On his lord, the general Raviyaṇabhatta, commanding him to cause a house of Siva to be made, the Pergade Nāgavarma, full of immovablo devotion, respectfally caused to be made at Ehür a temple of Svayambhu-Siva : joining in the regular festivals with pleasnre and with one meal (daily], he can Bed to be made a tirtha of Siva with a crore of peaks ; for the benefit of Siva he caused to be made a grove of the finest rics, a flowergrove, a mango-grove, and a sugarcane enclosure : when [all this] is said, who indeed resembles Nāgavarma ?
(Line 204)-Nāgavarma is a very Vainatēja (Garnda] in devotion to the welfare of his lord, a very Gānēja [Bhishmal in purity, a man who performs what he promises, a hero in the approbation of the people. May it be auspicious!
(L. 205;-Om ! Hail! While the victorious roign of His Majesty the fortunnte Tribhuvanamalla, asylum of the whole world, favourite of Fortune and the Earth, paramount Emperor, Supreme Lord, Supreme Master, decoration of Satyāśraya's race, ornament of the Chāļukyas, is proceeding in its course of increasing success to last as long & the moon, sun, and stars, while He is reigning in His capital of Kalyana in the enjoymeut of pleasant conversation ; with the approval of the lord of the country, the lord of the province, the village lead-man, the sheriff, commissioner, official, president and others :
(L. 213)---Hail! Having on the ocension of the great parva of an eclipse of the moon on Sunday the full-moon day of Srāvana of the year Pingala, the second year of the fortu. nate Chāļukya-Vikrama-varsha, bestowed many great gifts, at the time of largeses, on the petition of Raviyaṇabhatta, the fortunato high couucillor, minister of pecanl war for lleri and Lāļa, and commander of the forces --for the blessed god Svara blă of Ēhür, whom he had installed there ; for homage with perfumes, incense, lights, oblations, etc.; for the restoration of things broken, burst, and worn-out, and the supply of fresh plaster; for the set of processioncloths; for the food and clothing of student-ascetics and scholai's reading and heariny [lectures]: for the professors lecturing to them; for the Chaitra festival and the festival of the sacred thread, and the entertainment of visitors aud other such acts of worship ; for the homı at the parta of a samkrānti, an eclipse, etc., and for bali-sacrifices, etc.; and for the entertainment of prior and 1 See Meghaluta, I, verse 58.
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