through virtuous devotion, having laved [their] feet, he, the moon of the sky which was his family, gave his property to [that] line of Brahmans, immune from all opposing claims for as long as the sun and moon may endure.
Subsequently :-(Verse 83)--Along with the post of Commander of the Army, he obtained by gift of king Sömēsvara [II], lord of the earth, a home of Fortune, through his warm attachment, the office of Heri-samdhivigrahin.
Sabsequently :-(Vorse 84)--The blessed king Vikramänka [VI], lord of all the earth, in his affection gave him further all the insignis of sovereignty; when this is said, how can I describe further the exaltation of his dignity ?
(Verse 85)-Thus in actually three reigns this scion of the Brahman race was by his merit a hand-mirror to the Chalukya kings; is there any one [else] who was such ?
(Verse 86)-Unless the Creator had made for the earth with manifold effort an indefinite number of mountains of the philosopher's stone, and of forests of the tree of the gode, and of Aowing great rivers of quicksilver, (and so had acquired experience in creating], could he have made the Lāļa-samdhivigrahin Ravidēva, the unique benefactor of all men ?
(Verse 87)-Unless the lotus-born [Brahman] created him by combining ambrosia, sandal, and moonbeams, say, how could there be (such) a source of good to all men ?
(Verse 88)-In order, brother, to praise in a manner attractive to the mind, is it not enough for any one [to say] : "Hurrah ! the world where dwells Ravidēva, treasure-house of the refined, [is as the ocean where dwells the Lord of fortune; the Nandana-park where stands the tree of the gods; the sky wherein stands the moon; the Eastern mountain on which stands the Lover of the Lotus (the sun] ; the abode where dwells Devendra " ?
(Verse 89)-This is by no means a product of the Kali age ; [it is) a creeping-plant of religion which has spread all at once,-& shoot of truth wbich bas grown and sproated, -an ear of the corn of beneficence which has become apparent,- cloud of liberality which has poured forth rain : see, O brother, is not this the case with] the earth, on which there is the best of men, named Ravidēva ?
(Verse 90)-The model excellence of the general Ravidēva will strike and disturb men of the present time, in whom speech appears as a streak of water, the essence of purity as a glittering of stars and diamonds, the glory of their lives as stupidity, devotion to a lord as subservience to a party, goodness as a subordinate matter, refinement as quips, and knowledge as darkness.
(Verse 91)-Is not this miracle meet for all to praise P “Well done! this tuby of Brähmans on earth has perpetual dignity without conceit, learning without error, purity without addiction to the wives of other men, splendour without blemish, power without sin, rise of greatness of learning without its being feared by any "!
(Verse 92)-Lo, this marvel ! as we keep looking on, the fame of this ruby of Brāhmaṇs gathers lustre on all sides from the moon, from the troop of stars, from the group of the primitive mountains, from the shores of all the oceans, from the crowd of the elephants of the regions of space, and from the divisions of the cosmos of the Lotus-dweller (Brahman).
(Verse 93)- In the case of other men, in proportion as fortune increases so virtue diminishes ; but Raviga has waxed greater in virtue as his fortune has increased.
Being thus a seat of glory and distinction :-(Verse 94)- At Ehur, which he himself had acquired, this treasury of fortone, his desires being fulfilled, constructed a temple of Svayambhu [iva] with great pomp, amidst the acclamation of the people.
1 The word mola in composition with karttale is not understood.