17 [kshiti]-samakāla mātā-pitrör=&tmanas=cha punya-yaso-bhivșiddhaye (ID) bhatta18 patra-Visvarīpahi Aatatha-syagotrāyah? triyarishaya-pravarodbhavatih Ma19 ngalavila-vinirgata-(I)bhattaputra-(t) Yada-guta (1)-Anantarāpa-sutaḥ+ da[kshi"]ņā20 yana-samkrāntau 'Akshaya nidhi-dharmmēn=ākaratvēna pratipāditaḥ [*]u21 ktañ=cha dharmma-bāstro [ll*] Vahubhirs=yvasudhā dattā rājabbiḥ
Sagarābhiḥ? [19] yasya yasya 22 yadā bhumig=tasya tasya tada phalan | Mā bhūd=aphala-sankā vah
paradatt=ė23 ti pārthivā) [1] evadattā[t] phalam=ānantya[m*] paradattānapālaue il
Svadattām(-pa24 radattām)=paradattām-vā 70 harēta vasundharām 100 sa vishțhāyām
krimirzbhūtvā 25 pitsibhiḥ saha pachyată || 8Vahun=ātra kim=uktēna samkshopād=idam
achya26 to (1) svalpam=āyus-chala bhogā dharmmo loka-dvaya-kshamaḥ 11
Itro 27 kamala-dal-āmva-vindu-lolām 10 srigam-anuchintyall | Vatyal? Singa-grāmaḥ
tri28 p-Odaka rüpya 40 418 Dürrvadāsēna utkirņa[m] iti | chatuh-simā-parya
TRANSLATION14 (Line 1.) Om. Hail. Victorious is the dust of all-knowing, all-performing and (all-) peryading. Hara's (Siva's) foot-lotuses, where the atoms are the coils of the snakes.16
(Ll. 2-11.) Hail. There was a king Kanchanastambha, an ornament in the Salkikängalt family, known in the three worlds. From him who with the thunderbolt of his arm conquered the kings of mountains, vit. the elephants of his unbearable foes, was born the great lord of men with the high name, the illustrious Vikramāditya. The illustrious Kalahastambha (was born) from him, a sun (aditya) of uncommon force; who by his glowing heroism turned the frames of his enemies to ashes; who was honoured by the three castes; who was honoured by the good ones on earth. From him was born the Mahārājadhiraja with the high name, the illustrious Banastambha, whose pair of feet was revered by the row of the heads of all kings; who was resplendent with the bundle of rays of his spotless sword; who resided in Ködāla (or Kõdala), who had been granted the highest favour from the illustrious Stambhośvari, the very powerful ; the devout worshipper of Mahē vara; who meditated on the feet of his mother and father, who had obtained the five great sounds.
(LI. 12–15.) (He) the Paramabhattaraka, the Rānaka, the illustrious Kulastambha, being in good health, duly honours, reminds, orders and instructs the present and future Mahāsāmantas, Rajaputras, Niyuktas, Dandapafikas, and other royal servants, the people in
* Read Vifoarūpāya.
• Read Autathya-sagötraya. Read tryärsheya-prasar-odbhavata.
• Read Anantarúpa-sutāya. . Read akshaya.
• Bead Bahubhirs. Read Sagar-adib min.
& Read Bahun-. . Read Iti.
10 Read ambu-bindu-lölam friyam. 11 The remainder of the verse has been omitted.
13 Read isha. (The last figure is probably 2 and not 4.-Ed.) * By the Editor. 15 Mr. Krishda Sastri suggests the roading: bhuvansabhoga-pramaya] paramanaval, which would give much better sense, "where the atoms are of the size of the world". - According to Manmohan Chakravati this is a corruption of Chalukya.