6 (diya)devar[k]ku pandu v adu! | Ma[ka]ra-[D]āyarğu [p]ūrvva-pakshattu
dasamiyum Budan-[k]ilamaiyum perra Ro. 7 saņi)-1ā!.
"In the 8th year of the reign) of the glorious king Jaţăvarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Sundara-Pānd yadēva,-on the day of Rõhiņi which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the tenth tithi of the firat fortnight of the month of Makara."
For the 8th year of Jatavarman Sundara-Pandya I, the 10th sukla tithi in solar Makara fell on a Sanday, at whose sunrise the nakshatra was Kpittika. Neither Rohiņi nor the 10th sukla tithi could be connected with a Wednesday.
For the 8th year of Jațivarman Sandara Pandya II the year may correspond either with A.D. 1282-83, or 1283-84, according to the initial date accepted for the reign. The given date is irregular for both these years. It is, however, perfectly regular for the 9th regnal year of this king, if his accession dated from some day in the year 1276-77; for the given lunar ray falling on the 23rd day of Makara, corresponds regularly to Wednesday, January 17th A.D. 1285, on which day at mean suurise the 10th sukla tithi and the nakshatra Rohiņi were current, Since this date is regular in all its details, I think it should be accepted. But in that case either it clashes with most of the other records of this king as to the initial date of his reign, or the regnal year is wrongly given as the 8th, when it should have been stated as the 9th. A mistake of this kind is frequently made, and I believe it to have been made in this instance,
108.-In the Vyāghrapādēsvara temple at siddhalingamadam. 1 Svasti sri: Ko[x]=Sadaipagmar=āņu Tirabu[va]na[ch]chak[ka]ra[va]ttiga! Sri2 Sandara-Pandiyadevarkku [y]apda 13[vadu] Mina-[naya]kru pū(rvva]-paksha3 ttu Sapi=kkilamaiyum shash[th]iya[m] porta Ro[sa]și-na[1].
In the 13th year of the reign) of king Jatăvarman alias the emperor of the three worlde, the glorious Sundara-Pāņdyadēva, on the day of Rõhiņi which corresponded to the sixth tithi and to a Saturday of the first fortnight of the month of Mina."
For the reign of Jaţāvarman Sundara-Pāodya I the date is irregular, as the given tithi in bis 18th year fell on a Wednesday, though the nakshatra was Rohini.
Working by the group of inscriptions which fixes the reign of Jatávarman Sundara-Pandya II as beginning in 1276 and, therefore, his 13th year as beginning in 1288, I find the date so far satisfactory that for 4h. Sim. at the end of Saturday, February 26, A.D. 1289, which was the 4th day of Mina, the 6th sukla tithi of Phālguna and the nakshatra Rohiụi were together current. At sunrise on Sunday, both this tithi and nakshatra were current, and by ordinary practice they would have been coupled with Sunday, February 27, and not with Saturday, February 23th. Phālguna sukla 6th began 7h. 8m. after mean suprise on that Saturday.
Working by the earlier accession-date fixed by the other inscription-group the date is irregular.
With the reservation above stated the date corresponds to Saturday, February 28th, A.D. 1989; and this fixes the beginning of the reign as subsequent to February 26th, A.D). 1276.
pads is represented by a flourish. No. 418 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909. • The syllables yum are engraved below the line. • The akshara mis engraved below the line. . The akshara is engraved below the line.