No. 24.]
then current. Examining Kielhorn's dates Nos. 11 to 18 (Ep. Ind., Vol. VI, pp. 306 ff.) I find that in six cases it is impossible to say which system was generally in use in the Chinglepat tract during that reign; bat No. 12 proves that in A.D. 1253, near Trichinopoly, neither the system of Garga nor that of the Brahma-siddhanta was in use, and No. 16 from near Tanjore shows that the latter was not used there in A.D. 1260.
On the morning in question, according to the equal-space system, Uttara-Bhadrapada began 55 m. after mean sunrise; and though this throws a slight doubt on the date I think it may be accepted.
For the reign of the second king of that name the date must fall in A.D. 1283 or 1284 and for those years the quoted nakshatra would be incorrect; though it is correct in all respects for Monday, June 1st, A.D. 1282, which was the 6th day of Mithuna. And if the quoted regnal year had been the 6th instead of the 8th, I should have had no hesitation in accepting it. As the case stands, however, I think that the date is genuine and that it belongs to the reign of Jaţăvarman Sundara-Påndya I.
104.-In the Muktisvara temple at Pürattukköyil. 1 Svast[i] sri [ll*] Ko-Ch[chaddai papma]r=[na Tribhuva)na(chchakkarava). 2 tti[ga! sri]-Sundara-[Påndiya]dēvarka [y]ądu llvada 3 Kapn[i]-nā[y]rru [apara-pa]ksha(tta] · · · · [yum Bada ]p-kila[m]ai4 [yu]m perra Sodi-näļ.
"In the 11th year of the reign) of king Jaţăvarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Sundara-Pāņdyadēve, on the day of Sväti which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the ... tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Kanya."
The given elements of the date do not correspond to any possible 11th or-supposing a wrong regnal year to have been stated, -10th or 12th year of Jaţăvarman Sundara-Papdya II; nor to any sukla tithi on a Wednesday in Kangå in any of those years, supposing that the fortnight was wrongly recorded.
The day apparently corresponds to Wednesday, August 31st A.D. 1201, which was in the 11th year of Jatavarman Sundara-Påndya I, and on which day at mean sunrise, which was the 3rd day of Kanya, the 4th sukla tithi was corrent, the current nakshatra being, by the equal. space system, Svati. By the other two systems of Garga and the Brahma-siddhanta the nakshatra was Visakhi.
I think that the record is one of the reign of Jaţăvarman Sundara Pandya I, and that the fortnight was wrongly stated. The date does not correspond to any day in the dark fortnight during the given solar month.
1 5
JATAVARMAN SUNDARA-PANDYA II. 105.-In the Nedungalanāthasrāmin temple at Tirunedungalam. Svast[i sri] [11*] svast[i] samasta-jagad-adhara . ... . . ..er[i] K[0]=Ch[cha]daipapmar-ins T[i]ribuva pa
chchakkara vattiga! sri-Sundara-Pån.
1 Since the text was in print I am informed that the figure "g" is quite clear in the original.
No. 741 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909. * No. 667 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1909.