Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Vachhi (Pätsi ?) Suvijayata (Suvijayat),
the pupil (atēvasin) of Gots (Gaupta). 659. Säñchi Stupa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 2), inner circle.-1854 Cunningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 288, and Plate XX
Prakrit. Gift of the Påbhásasa has of Kåkanava. 660. Sañchi Stupa II. inscription on steatite boz (No. 3), outside lid.--1854 Cunningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 288, and Plate XX. Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Maha vanaya. (Relics) of the saint
(sapurisa) Apagira. 661. Sáñchi Stūpa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 3), inside lid.-1854 Cunningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 288, and Plate XX.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Kodiniputa (Kaundiniputra). 662. Sañchi Stüpa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 4), ontaide lid.-1854 Cunningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 288, and Plate XX.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Kosikipata (Kaufikiputra). 663. Sañchi Stapa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 4), inside lid.-1854 Cunningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 289, and Plate XX.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Gotipata (Gaupti putra). 664. Säñchi Stapa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 4), bottom. 1854 Canningham,
Bhilsa Topes, p. 289, and Plate XX.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Mogalipata (Maudgaliputra). 665. Säñchi Stăpa III. relic-box (No. 1) inscription.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes,
p. 297, and Plate XXII.
Prakrit. (Relics) of Sariputa (Šariputra). 666. Sañchi Stăpa III. relic-box (No. 2) inscription.--1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes,
p. 297, and Plate XXII.
Prakrit. (Relics) of Maha-Mogalana (Mahā-Maudgalyāyana). 667. Säñchi Stăpa III. inscription on steatite box (No. 1).-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes,
p. 299, and Plate XXII.
Only the letter sā, which stands for Sāriputasa, i.e. (relics) of Säriputa (Säriputra).! 668. Sanchi Stupa III, inscription on steatite box (No. 2).-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes,
p. 299, and Plate XXII. Only the letter ma, which stands for Maha-Mogalānasa, i.e. relios of Maha-Mogalana
(Mahā-Maudgalyāyana). 669. Year 14.- Bēsnagar Vaishnava column inscription of the time of rājan Käsiputa
Bhāgabhadra.-1909 Marshall-Bloch, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1909, p. 1053 ff., No. A, and Plate I; 1909 Fleet, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1909, p. 1087 ff. ; 1909 note by Barnett, Journ. Roy. As, Soc. 1909, p. 1093 f.; 1909 Bloch, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. Vol. LXIII. p. 587 ff.; 1910, note by Fleet, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1910, p. 141 f.; 1910 Bhandarkar, Jours. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc. Vol. XXIII. p. 104 ff. -vasēna chatuda sēna rājēna vadhamānasa. Prakrit. Erection of a garudadhvaja of Va[sudē]va, the god of gods, by the bhagavata (votary of Bhagavat), Héliodora (Heliodoros), the son of Diya (Dion), the Tak hasilāka (native of Takshasila), a Yona (Yavana) ambassador (data), who came from mahārāja Amtalikita (Antalkidas) to rājan Käsipata (Käsiputra) Bhagabhadra, the saviour (trätāra), who was prospering in the fourteenth year of his reign.