647. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Prakrit. Fragment.
646. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 402, No. 71.
Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of some woman who is called a Sagireyika (inhabitant of Sagiri).
Vol. II. p. 402, No. 72.
Gift of Kodu, mother of the monk (bhikhu).
649. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 402, No. 74. Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of the monk (bhichhu).
650. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Prakrit. Fragment.
648. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 402, No. 73.
Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of [Dha] marakhita (Dharmarakshita), female pupil (atēvasini) of Koramika.
651. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Prakrit. Fragment.
652. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind. Prakrit. Fragment.
Vol. II. p. 402, No. 75. Gift of some nun ([bhi chhuni).
[VOL. X.
Vol. II. p. 402, No. 77. Gift of some monk (bhikhu). Vol. II. p. 402, No. 78. Prakrit. Fragment. Gift of Dhavadeva (Dharmadēva ?).
653. 1894 Bühler, Ep. Ind.
Vol. II. p. 402, No. 76.
Gift of some nun (bhikhuni), a Körari (inhabitant of Kurara).
634. Sanchi Stupa II. relic-box inscription.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes, p. 286, and
Plate XX.
Prakrit. (Relios) of all teachers (vinayakas), beginning with Ara (? Arhat) Kasapagota (Kasyapagotra) and Ara ( Arhat) Vachhi-Suvijayata (VātsiSuvijayat 7), the teacher (vinayaka).
655. Sanchi Stupa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 1), outside lid.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes, pp. 119, 287, and Plate XX; 1905 mentioned by Fleet, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1905, p. 685.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Kasapagota (Kasyapagotra), the teacher (achariya) of all the Hemavatas (Haimavatas).
656. Sanchi Stupa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 1), inside lid.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes, pp. 119, 287, and Plate XX; 1905. mentioned by Fleet, Journ. Roy.. As. Soc. 1905, p. 685.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Majhima (Madhyama).
657. Sañchi Stupa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 1), bottom.-1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes, pp. 120, 287, and Plate XX; 1905 mentioned by Fleet, Journ. Roy. As. Soc. 1905, p. 685.
Prakrit. (Relics) of the saint (sapurisa) Haritipata (Haritiputra).
658. Sañchi Stupa II. inscription on steatite box (No. 2), outer circle.--1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes, p. 288, and Plate XX.