No. 2.]
Niravadya-Punyavallabba,' the writer of the present grant, was the successor cf Sri Rama-Punyavallabha, who wrote in Baka-Samvat 616 the Harihar plates of Vinayaditya; and Niravadya Srimad-Anivärita Punyavallabha was the writer of the Kinchi inscription of Vikramaditya II. Dhanamjaya-Punyavallabha, the writer of the Kendor grant in Saka-Samvat 672, speaks of himself as Srimad-Anivärita Dhananjaya-Punyavallabha in the Vakkalëri plates of Saka-Samvat 679.
It seems to me that we have four generations of writers mentioned in the foregoing grants, pis. Sri-Ráma, Nirayadya, Anivärita and Dhanamjaya. Panyavallabha was evidently the family name. Niravadya seems to have been & biruda originally of king Vijayaditya and Anivärita of his son Vikramiditya II, T: due course, Niravadya became the name of the writer of Vijayaditya's grants and Anivärita of his son who wrote the Kañchi inscription of Vikramaditya II. The latter was apparently engraved not long after the accession of Vikramaditya, who seems to have conquered the Pallava capital soon after his coronation. The name Niravadya Srimad-Anivårita Panyavallabha bas probably to be explained as "the illastrious. Anivärita-Punyavallabha (son of) Niravadya," Anivärita's son was apparently Dhananjaya, who in the earlier Kendur inscription calls himself Dhananjaya-Papyavallabha, but prefixes the name of his father in the later Vakkalëri plates.
First Plate; Second Side. 1 स्वस्ति [*] जयत्याविष्कृतं विष्णोर्खा[रा*]हं शोभितार्क्सवं [*] दक्षिणोक्तदंष्ट्राग
विश्वान्तभुवनं वपुः [*] श्री2 मतां सकलभु[व*]नसंस्तयमानभानव्यसगोत्राणां हारितिपुत्राणां सप्तलोकमातृभिः
रभिव3 हितानां कार्तिकेयपरिरक्षणमाप्तकल्याणपरम्पराणां भगवबारायणप्रसादसमासा.. 4 दितवराहलाञ्छनेक्षणक्षणवशीलताशेषमहीभृतां चलिक्यानां कुलमलङ्करि]णोरखमे5 धावभृथमानपवित्रीकृतगात्रस्य श्रीपुलकेभीवनभमहाराजस्य सूनुः पराक्र.. 6 माक्रान्तवनवास्यादिपरनृपतिमण्डलप्रणिबदविशुद्धकीर्तिः श्रीकीर्ति वर्मापृथिवी7 वनभमहाराजस्य पृ(प्रि)यात्मज[:] समर[सं]स्म (स) कसकलोत्तरापथेवरबीहर्षवई8 नपराजयोपात्तपरमेश्वरशब्दस्य स्व(स)त्याश्रयत्रीपृथिवीवल्लभमहाराजाधिरा9 जपरमेश्वरस्य पु(प्रि)य[त*] नयस्य प्रजातनयस्य खगमात्रसहायस्थ चित्रक
Second Plate; First Side 10 ण्ठाभिधानप्रव[रतु] रंगमेणै के "] नैवो[स]रिताशेषविजिगोषोरवनिपतित्रितयान्तरितां
11 रो[:] त्रियमात्मसात्वत्य प्रभावकुलिशदलितपाहाचोळकेरळकळ[*]प्रभृतिभूम
ददश्ववि1 The Nerār plates of Vijayiditya, dated in Saka-Sathrat 627 (Ind. Ant. Vol. Ix. p. 132), were also written by the same man.
? [As will be seen from the accompanying photo-lithographic plate, the originals are either damaged or covered with rust in several place. Mr. Pathak's text is in those places based evidently on allied records. It is, however, just possible that the writing is better seen on the original.Ed.]