(V. 2.) Victorious is (Krishna), (who is) the comet (of destruction) to Kamsa (and is) the friend of the gods, on whose chest, extensive as the Vindhya (mountain), dangles the pure Kaustubha, (and) on the stage of whose lotus-like face dance the side-glances of Lakshmi, with the pupils (of her eyes) languid through excess of love!
(V. 3.) Ever victorious is the king Indraraja (III.), whoso long arms were made her) refuge by the goddess of Wealth, who has rooted out in battles the circle of (his) enemies difficult to withstand, who has seized the territories of the mighty, (and who is the lion (i.c. the best) among men, just as Upêndra (Vishņu) is ever victorious, whose long arms were made her) support by the goddess) Lakshmi, who held up in battles (his) discus bearing spokes and difficult to resist, who carried off Bali and (huis) legions (to Pátala), (and who was) a man-lion (in his fourth incarnation).
(V. 4.) The self-existent (Brahman) was born of the wide and blooming water-lily springing from the navel of (Vishņu) the lord of Sri; of him was born (his) son Atri; (and) of him again (i.e. of Atri) the Moon that overflows with rays of nectar. From him there grew on earth the lineage of the Yadus, amongst whom (at one time) flourished (Vishņu) the wielder of the Súrriga (bow) (in his eighth incarnation as Krishna), who was worshipped by the lotus-eyes of cow herdesses with every kind of flirtation.
(V. 5.) In that family there arose the illastrious king Dentidurga, born in the great Sâtyaki branch, the best of men, whose hand (bore) the (auspicious) marks of the conch and discus, (and) to whom of herself came the goddess of wealth of the Chalukya family, just as (in that family) there arose Parushottama (Xrishna), who prolonged the line of Satyaki, who (held) the conch and discus in (his hands as (his peouliar) characteristics, (and) to whom of herself came (the goddess) Lakshmi from the ocean.
(V. 6.) The hand (.e. the prowess) of this (prince), matchless in battle, having (first) established itself on the beautiful lowermost region of the earth, and having again overcome in a gentle manner at its own will the central region (Madhyadéta), again established itself in the province of Kåñchi, just as the hand (of a lover), after (first) establishing itself on the bips of a woman, attractive to the heart, and pressing again gently at its will (her) waist, again establishes itself on the region (below the waist) where the girdle (is worn).
(V. 7.) His orders, forming a wreath on (their) crests with which came in contact (their) hands (joined) like bads, (all) kings respect with (their) heads slightly bent (and) with (their) knees rolling about on the surface of the earth, from Satu (Råmêsvaram), where the blossoming lavaniga (trees) are destroyed on the declivities of mountain-tops by hosts of powerful monkeys, as far as the Kailasa (mountain), the outskirts of which resound with the jingling anklets on the moving feet of Bhavani.
(V. 8.) When that king, after conquering the world by his own arm, had gone to heaven as if to conquer (it), being desirous of a fresh victory,- (his) paternal uncle, the illustrious king Kfishnaraja (I.), of well-known prowess, occupied his position of supreme majesty,
(V. 9.) Nirupama, of spotless valour, sprang from that (king), whose fame, solid, extensive and bright, diverted itself in the form of the lines of sandal-painting on the faces of the beauties, (viz.) the quarters, (and) who adorned the mountain (consisting of) the family of the glorious Rashtrakūtas,
(V. 10.) From the hand of the trembling lord of the Kosalas was snatched away by him in battle one white (regal) parasol, which was the white (auspicious) Water-pitcher for the setting out of (his) fame, bright as the kunda (flower), on a journey over the whole world, (and) which
1. Patr. of Yuyadhana (a warrior in the Pandu army who acted as the charioteer of Krishna and belonged to the Vrishội family)."--Monier-Williams' Diclivnary.