No. 4.]
ont by Dr. Bhandarkar, is the modern Bagumra, with the prefix bag. Tôlėjaka and Mogaliki cannot be identified, but Sainki and Javalakupaka are Banki, one miles. W. of Bagumra, and Jolwa, one and a half mile N. of Bagumra. In No. II. the village granted is Tenna near Kammanijja, and the boundaries specifiod are Varadapallika (or Baradad) to E., Nambhltataka tos., Valise (or Balisa) to W., and Valviyana (or Babbiyana) to N. They have been identified with Ten, Bardoll, Nadida, Wanesa and Baben respectively. Kammanijja, in the vicinity of which lay both the villages granted, is Kamrêj. All these villages are to be found in the Naugari division of the Baroda State. The Bagumrå grant of the Gujarat Rashtrakata Dhruva II. mentions Trenna, both as a village and a territorial division, and speaks of the village of Trennå as having been bestowed upon & certain Brahmaņa by his grandfather Dhrava I. (A.D. 834-35). “The explanation of its being given away again by the present record," as Dr. Fleet has rightly said, "is, no doubt, to be found in the statement, made in the present record, that Indra III. gave away four hundred villages which had been confiscated by previous kings; this was evidently one of them."
TEXT OF No. 1.
__First Plate. 1 स्वस्ति' [1] स वोव्याद्देधसा धाम यवाभिकमलं कृतं । हरच यस्त्र
कान्तेन्दुकलया कमलंकृतम् ॥ [१*] जयति' 2 "विवुधवन्धुर्विध्यविस्तारिवक्षस्थलविमलविलोलकौस्तुभः कंसकेतुः । मुखसरसिज
रङ्गे यस्य तृ3 त्यन्ति लक्ष्म्याः स्मरभरपरिताम्यत्तारकास्ते कटाक्षाः ॥ [२] स जयति
भुजदण्डसंश्चयत्री: समर4 समुद्धृतदुईरारिचक्रः । अपहृतवलिमण्डलो' नृसिंहः सततमुपेन्द्र विन्द्रराज
देवः ॥ [३] 5 अस्ति श्रीनाथनाभिस्फुरदु[क]सरसाम्भोजजमा स्वयंभू(।)स्तस्मादपिः सु.
तोभुदमृतकरपरिस्प6 द" इन्दुस्ततोपि । तस्माइं[शो] यदूनां जगति स वधे यस्य तैस्तैर्बि
लासैः सानो गोपाङ्गनानाब. 7 यनकुवलयैरर्यमानश्चचार ॥ [*] [तवान्वये विततसात्यकिवंशजन्मा श्रीद
तिदुर्गप8 तिः पुरुषोत्तमीभूत् । चालुक्यवशजलधः खयमेव समीर्य शंखचक्राकर
1Journ. Bo. Br.R.4.8. Vol. XVIII. p. 266.
Ind.ant. Vol.'XXXI. p. 396. . From inked estampages supplied to me by Rai Bahadur Venkayye. The i is not well-formed.
Metre: sloka (Anashțubh). Read विबुधवन्धु
* Metre: Pushpitigra. 10 Metre : Sragdhara.
1 Read °परिष्यन्द. 11 Metre: Vasantatilaka; and of the next verne.
6 Metre: Mulini. • Read 'बरि.
WRand tr.