[Vol. IX.
Govardhan-8ddhdra and hél-onmalita-Mêru, used in connection with the kings Upendra and Indrarája respectively, are to be interpreted, is far from clear. At one time I thought that Upendra referred to Mahipala of the Pratihåra dynasty of Mahodaya, for whom I then contended that the Bhagalpur grant of the Pala dynasty gave the other name Chakrayudha. But I have stated above that, beyond all doubt, Dharmapala and Chakrayudha, whom he re-instated on the throne, were contemporaries of the Rashtrakața prince Govinda III. Chakrayudha cannot, therefore, be identified with Mahipala, who was & contemporary of Indra III., the great-greatgrandson of Govinda III. According to Pandit Bhagwanlal Indraji,8 the word Móru in the expression hål-8nmalita-Meru signifies Mèra or Mehra, and the whole expression speaks of the defeat of some contemporary Mebra king of North Kathiwad by Indraraja III. Prof. Kielhorn, on the other hand, holds that Mèru probably is Mahodaya, i.e. Kananj, implying thereby that it records the capture of Kanauj by Indraraja III. specified in the Sabglt charter. With regard to the other expression, vis, krita-Govardhan-oddhára, no interpretation has been proposed, and we must wait for the publication of other inscriptions to enable us to understand perfectly the historical sense of this verse.
In the preamble of the prose passage preceding the formal part of the inscription, the P. M. P. Sriman-Nityavarshanarendradêve, i.e. Indrarija III., is spoken of as “meditating on the feet of the P. M. P. Srimad-Akalavarsbadeva, s.e. his grandfather Krishna II. This indicates that Jagattunga, the father of Indraraja III., did not come to the throne. The same may be concluded from the statement of our inscriptions that the battles of Krishnarija II. were remembered and described by old men in Indra III.'s time. This shows that hardly & generation had passed since the courrence of that event, and that consequently there was no Rashtrakata sovereign intervening between Krishna II, and Indra III. The same conclusion is pointed to by the fact that the Khårópåtan grant of Rattarája, in setting forth the Rashtrakata genealogy, takes the succession direct from Krishna II. to Indra III, and refers to Jagattunga only further on as the father of Amoghavarsha-Vaddiga. But our conclusion is placed beyond all doubt by the Delf and Karhed plates of Krishna III., which distinctly speak of Jagattunga as having died without obtaining the sovereignty.
The composer of our inscriptions was Trivikramabhatta, the son of Nêmiditya. There can hardly be a doubt that he is identical with Trivikramabhatta, the author of the Nalachampa. of the Bandilya gôtra, and the son of Nêmaditya (var. leot. Dévaditya). Another Sandilyakavi-chakravartin Trivikrama was the sixth ancestor of the astronomer Bhaskarabhatta. A contemporary of king Bhoja of Dhårk. The oldest mention of Trivikrama is in Bhdia's Sarasvatikanthabharana, while he himself quotes Baņa. The authorship of a Maddlasd-champs is also attributed to this Trivikrama.
As regards the localities mentioned in the grants, Pataliputra from where the grantee of No. II. emigrated is obviously Patna, the principal town of the district of the same name in Bengal, and Manyakheta, the capital of the royal grantor, is Malkhed in the Nizam's Domin. iods. Kurundaks, where Indraråja III. had repaired for his paffabandha, was first identified by Mr. A. M. T. Jackson with Kurundwad at the junction of the Krishna and Pañchaganga in the Southern Maratha country. In No. 1. the village granted is Umvara (or Umbará) near Kammaņijja in the country of Lata, and the boundaries specified are Tôlêjaka to E., Môgalika to S., Samkl to W., and Javalakapaka to N. Umvará as was first pointed
-1 Above, Vol. VII. p. 82.
• See above, p. 26, note 4. • History of Gujardt, in the Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidenoy. Vol. I. Part I. p. 180. • See above, Appendix to Vol. VIII. p. 16, note 2. Above, Vol. III. p. 288.
Above, Vol. IV. p. 283; Vol. V. p. 198. Weber, Berlin Catalogue, Vol. II. p. 1205. History of Gujarat, p. 130, noto 8.