No. 52.]
Krishnappa Nayaka constructed a temple in the village of Krishņåparam and built a prakara round it and a tower as high as the Mandara mountain over its entrance. In front of the shrine he erected a rangamandapa, standing on pillars containing exquisite sculptures and decorated with rows of beautiful creepers. In this newly constructed temple he set ap the image of the god Tiruvenkatanatha. He built a big car for the deity and surrounded the temple with broad streets with a view to provide an easy circuit for the car. It was for the conduct of the daily půjus, for offerings, lighting, for incease, flower-garlands, etc., and for the annual celebration of the car and the losting festivals, that he requested and got from Sadasivaraya the villages mentioned in the grapt.
Thongh the Naya kas are believed to have usurped the throne of the Pandyag, they still cull themselves the establishers of the Påndya dynasty.' In corroboration of the claim of the Nayakas of Malura to the title of Pandyalulasthápanácharyas, we see several hundreds of inscriptions belonging to the later Påudyas, scattered over the country believed to have been ruled over by the Nayakas, showing that they were also raling simultaneously with the Nayakas. One of the later Pandyas, named Srivallabha, is described, in the Pudukkottai plates of Ativirarama Påndya,' as having established the Påndya kingdom. This Srivallabha must have been a contemporary of Naraså Nayaka, for he is the brother of Månabhusha defeated by Narasa.? How he established the Påņdya kingdom and under what circumstances, is not apparent. But we see as a matter of fact the Pandyas ruling in & semi-independent condition over their ancestral kingdom till at least 1585 A.D.; what political relationship existed between them and the Nayakas, we do not know.
At the end of the inscription, it is mentioned that Sabhapati Svayambhû was the composer of the sdsana, and Viranâcharya, son of Virang, was the engraver.
The places mentioned in the record are :
Kilavêmbu nadu in the Pandye mandalam; śrivallamangalachavadi in the above nadu; Ardhatintriņi (Arappuļi P), Villamarayan Nedunguļam, Savalakkaran kulam, Puļiyanguļa-odai, Pirâyankuļam, Bhusuratataka (Parpagaļam, & corruption perhaps of Pappankulam), Kallikuļam, Vélarkuļam Sundarapandyan pudukkai, Ai[yanakulam, Śrlkuļam, Êryāru Pery&languļam, Kokkantâmparai (modern Kongandâmparai), Panayangulam, Muttûr hill; Puttanêri, Ariyakulam, Kodikulam, Kuttukkal, Muttar, Råmangulam, Ittampattu, širiy&languļam, Pattaikulam, Murappunadu, Aļikuļi and Sri-Krishnapuram.
Of these Vemba-nada comprises the northern portions of the Native State of Travancore and of the District of Tinnevelly, and in the former state there is a large backwater lake known by the name of Vomba-nadu- kåyal indicating the ancient name of the country where it is situated. We find the following names in the list of villages belonging to the Tinnevelly talaka of the same district and situated near Kșishņâparam :-Pirayankulam, Pappåşkulam, Vêlankulam, Sundarapandiyan kal, Kongandâmpårai, Pagayankulam, Muttür, Ariyakulam, Murappanada, and Krishņâpuram. The other places we are unable to identify.
First Plate. i forfaune AA: 1 Theoftraig TAT2 r 1 TTCHEARTATU H () [8*] pihtara.
1 Annual Report on Epigraphy for the year 1906, p. 72.
[The Pudukkottai grant mentiona Mapibharana as the brother of Srivallabha, and, besides, Maskavacha, wbom Mr. Venkayya identifies with Arikësarin Paråkrama Paudya. The identification of Manabhabs with any of these two is far from being certain.-S. K.]
* It now goes popularly by the name Pappánkuļam. This name means "the Brahman' tank," and it has been translated into Sanskrit in the record. From inked impressions prepared by Mr. T. A. Gopinatha Rao.