srimandalikaganda, birudamainiyavibháļa, dharanivardha, Kalyanapuranatha and Véngatribhuvanimalla. At the time at which the present grant was made, Ramaraja, the powerful general and minister of Sadasiva, and his brother Venkatádri had both been dead two years, they having fallen in the famous battle of Tålikota on the 23rd January A.D. 1565. Tirumala, the second brother of Râmaraja, now became the minister and commander and was the de facto king. In the course of the seme or the beginning of the next year he was to become eventually the de jure king and founded the third dynasty of Vijayanagara.
Krishnappa Nayaka, at whose request the present grant was made, is described as the grandson of Nagama Nayaka and the son by Nagamå of Visvanatha Nayaka. He has the birudas, Kanchipuravarádhisvara, Môkdlipattavardhana, Samayadroharaganda, Samayakólahala, Aildvalipuravarádhisvara, Pandyakulasthúpanácharya and Dakshinasamudradhipati (vv. 49-52).
In connection with the conquest of the Pandya country by the kings of Vijayanagara, we might notice that Narasa or Narasi Nayaka, as he is more commonly called, is said to have subjugated Månabhusha, the king of Madura. We know that Narasa Nayaka lived about the last quarter of the 15th century and that Månabhusha or Arikesari Parikrama Pandya began his reigri in 1422 A.D. and ruled for at least 42 years, i.e. till about 1466 A.D. It is quite likely that this Påndya king was the one referred to as defeated by Narasa Nayaka.
Our inscription is dated (vv. 44-45) in the Saka year 1480, computed by the nidhis (9), váranas (8), vēdas (4), and indu (1), in the year Prabhava, on the Makara samkranti corresponding to the new moon tithi of the month Pushya, on a Monday. Sadasivaraya was then encamped on the island of Srirangam and made the grant in the presence of the god Ranganatha. The last known date for Sadasivarâya is 1567 A.D.,? some ten months earlier than that of our record, and hence it is likely that the king, after the disaster that befell him at Talikota two years previously, was spending his last years, Srivaishnava as he was, at the sacred shrine of Srirangam. Of all Srivaishọava places of pilgrimage, Srirangam is the most sacred, and the Tuļuva kings of Vijayanagara, at least those beginning with Krishṇadevaraya, were very staunch Srivaisho avas. Achyutadêvarîya, during his expedition against the Tiruvadi kingdom, is described, in the Achyutaráy ábhyudayam of Rajapathakavi, as having halted at Srirangam and sent the son of one Sagalarajato conquer the Tiruvadi rajya. Hence it might not be wrong to suppose that Sadasivara ya ended his days in Srirangam, but we have not any positive proofs to sapport our surmise.
Compare verses 144-146 of the British Museum plates, where Kondarkja of this family wears similar birudas; above, Vol. IV., p. 21.
2 Verses 53-54.
Verse 11. The word has been treated as an ordinary noun by Profs. Hultzsch and Kielborn.
• The Devulapalli plates give S. 1427 as a date falling in the reign of Immadi-Nrisimha; hence Narasa must have lived prior to this. See also footnote 7, above, Vol. VII, p. 79. [It should be noted that Immadi Nyisirinho was a Flava, and not a Tuļuva like Narasa. - S. K.)
• Sendamil, Vol. IV., p. 117, and above, p. 229. • Sendamil, Vol. IV., p. 117. * South Indian Inscriptions, Vol, I., No8. 43-46, p. 70.
• The Slava kings were the disciples of Tatacharya, See Prapanndmritam. Krishnadeva wrote mukta. mályada, Vishnuchittiyam, works relating to the life incidents of the Srivaishnavs saint Periyâl vår and his daughter Anda!
This Sagalaraja was the father-in-law of Achyutadeva and father of his wife Varadámba. See Achyutardyabhyudayam. Canto III, verse 48. The printed copy of this work reads the name as Salagardja; see p. 77; but Mr. T. 8. Kuppusami Sastri reads it as Sagalardjs, and we follow him in calling the father-in-law of Achyuta, Bagalardja. .
10 See Achyutarayabhyudayam, Canto V., verse 64.