28 Chhâ[dra] vâmapa śrêshthi Ghughi Śridhara sâdhu Nânû kôsa[ja] Pâlâ [su]
29 nivira mali Goi[m]dapratra tail [i]ka [Ja]sadhavala vâvû(bâbû) Milâpi nāvējam[da]
30 pâlâ[ghi]kâ sa[mri]dârana Dhavala m[a]piyâ[sthi] śri-V[â]sadêva êtair-[griha-ve]31 taka-r[a]pêna śriman-Narayana-dêva-pâdêshu sada sth [â]tavyam karam cha
32 śri(1)mat-pamḍita-Purushottamaya grâma-nilaya-nâḍa-sarv va-vâ (bâ)dhâ-parihârêpa
33 rka-kålam pradatta | Svadattâm paradattâm vâ yô hared (rêta)-vasumdharâ[m] [1] sa vishthâyam kri
34 mi(mir) [bhû]två kalajai[b] saha sidati | Taḍâgânâm sahasrê (srê)ņa as(as)vamêdha-sata (satê)
35 na cha [*] gê(ga) vâm kôti-pradânêna bhûmi-harttâ na su (sa)dhyati II Mangala maha śri
36 (a) Sutradhara Ranavîrâya bhûmi pradattâ
37 (a) akarêņa.
36 (6) Adhikâri Chhâdrûkasya bhumi akarêņa
37 (6) dattâ | Brahmau[jhâ] kasya bhûmi datta såsa (sâsa)
38 (b) nam akarêņa Ma[ha]pḍaka
39 (b) sya tathâ [Kanharasâi]
40 (6) Nagak[u]la [mdhva]ra ê
41 (b) têshâm bhumi aka42 (b)
rêpa dattâ pri(pri)thunâ
39 (c) Bhattara
40 (c) ka Bhava.
41 (c) [de]vâya
42 (c) bhûmi akarena datâ
43 (d) Svasti sri-Dharana-mahâdêvi-[varyyâ] sarvva vâ(bâ) [dhâ]-parihârêņa aka[rê]44 (d) pa bhumi dattâ dêva-sri-Narayanasy-âr the Mahanaka Devadasa
45 (d) [Jaggati] | Sadhu Himasutta dê[dananita ?] Lakhmaṇa Chaudharî
46 (d) [sri]- Dharana-mahåde bhumi [dataru ara arî dê sâsana dattâ3] bhûmi dattâ akarêņa
(Lines 1-6). Hail. The patta-mahidevi of the Maharaja Dhârâvarshadeva, who was born of the Nâgavamsa, resplendent with the mass of rays of thousand hood-jewels; who was the lord of Bhôgavati, the best of towns; whose crest was a tiger with a calf; who was of the Kasyapa gôtra; who had made his shout of victory (universally) known; who had acquired the whole earth; the Paramésvara, Paramabhaṭṭaraka; who was like a bee rendered yellow by the collection of pollen of the lotus feet of Mahêśvara; who was a Harischandra in truthfulness; who was an adamantine cage (of safe refuge) to those who sought his protection, a glorious ornament among kings;
(Ll. 7-11) (she who was) the only mother of the world, called the turbaned queen consort (chief consort); whose head was wholly sanctified by being washed in the water of the Ganges; who was (as it were) half the body of Dhârâvarsha (just as Pârvati is half the body
1 Perhaps Chhadd brahmana.
Probably Govindapatra [or Govindaputra.-8. K.]
This perhaps stands for dattá akaréna ért-ideana-dévyd dattá.