(Vol. IX.
one half of the tolls to the city of Ponvulcha together with the city of Udayapura. They who obtained this were) Mattavara's (son) Saruvigðsåsiga, Kodalsetti's (son) Madêmma, Vijasetti's (son) Dharmandyga, Managasättava, Sarvavando (and) Puleyarms. These ryota obtained (it). (To) him who destroys this, shall be the five great sins (of one) who destroys Sivevalli and Vårânâsi.
BY D. R. BHANDARKAR, M.A. These two epigraphic documents were first brought to the notice of the students of Indian antiquities by the late H. H. Dhruva, who pablished a transcript of them with his remarks in the Zeitschr. D. Morg. Ges. Vol. XL. P. 322 ff. They were afterwards edited with lithographs by Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar, with a translation by Mr. (now Prof.) S. R. Bhandarkar, in the Journ. Bo. Br. R. As. Soo. Vol. XVIII. p. 253 ff. About three years ago, when Prof. Hultzsch first thought of having the inscriptions re-edited in this Journal, no trace whatever of them could be found, and it was on a chance visit to the State Museum at Baroda in 1903 that I saw the plates exhibited there. On my informing Prof. Hultzsch of their whereabouts, he asked Rai Bahadur Venkayys to obtain them on loan through the Resident at Baroda from the Curator of the Baroda State Museum, and I re-edit the inscriptions at the suggestion of Prof. Hultzsch, and from the excellent ink-impressions supplied by Rai Bahadur Venkayya.
[Along with the two sets of plates, two seals were received from the Resident at Baroda in December 1903. As the seals had been detached from the plates, it was not possible to ascertain which seal belonged to which set. But before returning the plates and seals on the 7th December 1904, I put down some notes about them, of which the following is a copy.
[The plates measure on an average 13" by 98". The rings bearing both the seals had been cut before they were received in my office. The larger of the two seals measures about 3' by 27". The ring whose ends are secured at the bottom of the seal is 31' in diameter and 1" thick. The seal bears, in relief on a countersunk surface, as the principal figure, an image of Garuda-whose wings are distinctly seen-squatting on a seat which is probably meant to consist of two serpents. These appear to entwine his waist and to terminate in his hande, each of which is holding a hood. What looks like his sacred thread is perhaps a third serpent. The Garuda faces to the full front and has on his proper right a representation of Ganapati in the upper corner, lower down a chauri, and below it a lamp. On the proper left in the upper corner is a goddess riding on a lion, and below the lion a stastika surmounted by a chauri. On each side of the head of Garuda is a circle which may be meant for the sun and moon. Below the squatting Garuda is an inscription which is not quite distinct, but which seems to be marieel. Along the margin of the seal is a border of various indistinct emblems, among which a linga and an elephant-goad are recognisable. The emblems on the smaller seal, which measures about if" by 1}', are also cut in relief on a countersunk surface, but are not quite distinct. The central figure is Garuda, squatting, as in the bigger seal, apparently on a couch consisting of two serpents, which seem to entwine his waist and to terminate in his hands. Each of the hands of Garuda appears to hold a hood. What looks like his sacred thread may be a third serpent. To his proper right at the upper corner is a projection which may stand for Ganapati, and below it is a lamp stand. To the proper left at the upper corner is another
1 Scc above, p. 18, note 3.
11... Sarvabandhu.