generations, which is an unlikely supposition. There is nothing to show that Adil Khan (Hasan's son) was extraordinarily long-lived. It, therefore, seems very probable that there was an intervening generation between Nasir Khan and Hasan Khån, and the missing link is supplied by the Sanskrit inscription in the person of Kaisar Khan, son of Nasîr and father of Hasan Khân. In the inscription Kaisar Khan is merely called a vira or hero and not a king, and although Hasan was also never & king, the epithet of kshitisa was apparently added to his name by way of courtesy, to tickle the ruling prince. Regarding the sources of his information Firishta records that when he visited Burhanpur in A.H. 1013 (A.D. 1604), he asked Mirza Ali Isfahani if any history existed of the Fariqi family. The Mirza replied that he knew of none, but said that he once saw a genealogy of the family down to Malik Raja, which he copied and took along with him. It would thus appear that no history of the kings later than Malik Rája existed at all. So the information he collected was apparently from traditions or other casual records, while the writer of the Sanskrit inscription must certainly have been supplied with information from the royal family, as it was intended to be a permanent record. in one of the greatest works the king built. It is, therefore, more reliable than Firishta and leaves no room for doubt as to its authenticity. A revised genealogy of the Fårâqi kings will be found below on p. 310.
TEXT. 1 * area : I calca(H) * fari Tuata factan
[1") gener (water) PTCU sê waren naar en otagi
atti2 दि चितिः स्यादंबरांगणे(णे) [*] तावत्कारुकिवंशोसौ चिरं नंदतु
भूतले ॥२॥ वंशेष तस्मिन्किल फारुकींद्रो वभूव राजा मलिकाभि
ura: [*] terhach3 TERTAT: garantat Moritatea: Bu q ua curaatt: gr
स्तदीयो इसनवितीयः [] तस्मादभूदेदलशाहभूपः पुत्रीभवत्तस्य Hros: 188
The average for a generation in the line of which Ghazn Khan was the last, is 23 years, while in the line of Raja Alt Kbån it is 29 years. According to the Sanskrit inscription the average for the latter is reduced to less than 26, taking the reckoning up to the death of Miran Muhammad in 1576, but for the minority of whose son Husain Khan, Raja Ali Khan would have had no opportunity to sit on his bruther's throne.
• It may be noted that the visit was paid 14 years after our inscription was carved.
Firishta gives this as follows:
Malik Raja, tbe son of Khan Jahan, the son of All Khan, the son of Uthman Khan, the son of Simion Shah, the son of Ashab Shah, the son of Armian Shah, the son of Ibrabtro Shah of Balkb, the son of Adam Shah, tbe son of Ahmad Shah, the son of Mahmud sah, the son of Mubsmmad Shah, the son of Azim Shab, the son of Ashghar; the son of Muhammad Ahmad, the son of the Imam Nasir Abdulla, the son of Omar-ul-Faruq entitlel Khalifá or representative of the last of the propheta.
If anybody would wert that the Sanskrit composer might have made mistake in understanding the genealogy, all doubts would vanish by reading the Arabic inscription ou the top of the Bauskrit one reproduced in the accompanying plate. Line 8 m deciphered by Mansht InAmullah Khan, Manager of the Mosque, ronde as followst-Adil Sáb bin Mubarak Shah bin Adil Shd bin Hana Kdi bin Qaisar Kids bin Ghaent And» bin Malik Kids al-Idrilgi al dll.
From my personal transcript from the original and two subsequent Ons kindly supplied by Mr. B. Bal. krisbna Bhate, Headmaster, Middle School, Burbanpur, and a photograph. • Rend " TA:
This and the next verse are in the Anushtubb metre. Tbs and the next are in the pajati metre.