No. 48.)
The chief interest of our inscription lies in the genealogy of the Fårûqis given in it. According to it the first king was Raja Malik, whose son was Gbagni (Khân). His son was Kaisar Khan, whose son was Hasan, from whom was born Ådil Shah, whose son was Mubarakh. Ådil Shah, the constructor of the mosque, was the son of this Mubarakh. This genealogy differs from those given by Firishta and Abul Fazl. According to the former Adil Shih was the 6th descendant from Malik Raja, and according to the latter the 8th, while according to our inscription he was the 7th. The tables given below will show at a glance how matters stand :
Sanskrit inscription.
Briggs' Firishta, Vol. IV.,
P. 280.
Jarrett's Lin-i-Akbart, Vol. II.,
p. 226.
Malik Raja.
Raja Malik. Gazni (Khân).
Nasir Khân.
Kaiser khân.
Hasan (Khân).
Hasan Khân.
Malik Raji. Ghizni Khân, title Nasir Khân. Miran Shah alias Adil Shah. Mubarik Shah Chaukhandi. Âdil Shah Aynâ alias Ahsan Khân. Adil Shah. Mubârik Shah. Raja Ali Khân, title Adil Shab.
Adil Khân.
Âdil Shah. Mubarakh. Âdil Shah.
R&ja Ali Khân.
The Ain-s-Akbare states that “Bahadur Khân (who was the son of Raja Ali Khan) was 9th in descent from Malik Raji." This has led Colonel Jarrett, as it would indood lead others, to suppose that the list given there is gonealogical and that Ahsan Khân, the fifth king, was identical with Hasan Khan, who, as a matter of fact, was never a king. Hasan Khan belonged to & collateral branch of the family, whose son became king on the failure of male issue in the main line..
The Ain-i-Akbart has mixed up the succession list with the genealogical table. Miran Shah, the third descendant, was really a grandson of Malik Raja, but the point missed is that he was not the direct ascendant of the last Adil Shah or Raja Ali Khân. The crown first went in Miran Shah's line up to Adil Shah Ayna, who was succeeded by his brother D&wad Khan, and the latter by his son Ghazni Khån, who was poisoned two days after Ascending the throne. Abul Fazl does not mention Ghaznî Khân at all, probably because his succession to the throne was only nominal. Ghazni Khân left no son, and hence the crown went to Raja Ali Khan's grandfather Adil ShAhor Adil Khân. The three kings Miran Shah, Mubarak Shah and Adil Shah Ayni were not thas direct accendants of Raja Ali Khân. The Ain-i-Akbart list should therefore be left out of consideration, and the question must be decided between our inscription and Firishta's list. Briggs' takes Hasan to be the son of Nasir Khân, relying on Firishta's assertion that Adil was the son of Hasan and grandson of Nasir Khân." If Hasan were the son of Nasir Khan, he would be the brother of Miran Shah, who was crowned king after his father's death. Wo would, therefore, have to suppose that Miran's nephew came to the throne after the expiry of three
See his Ain-i-Akbarl, Vol. II, p. 226, footnote. * Briggs' Firishta, Vol. IV., p. 303.
Loc. cit.
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