riches are perishable and unsubstantial, and that virtues endure for a long time,- wishing to participate in the fruit of a gift of land, which is an object of enjoyment by all, and desiring to accumulate fame as bright as the rays of the moon for a long time, should consent to this our gift of land and preserve it. Whoever, with his mind covered by the veil of the darkness of ignorance should take it away, or allow it to be taken away, shall be guilty of the five great ains. And it is and by the venerable Vysa, the arranger of the Vedas :-(Here follow five well-known imprecatory verses.]
(L. 33) In three hundred years increased by forty-seven, on the afteenth day of the bright ball of Srivaņa, this edict, the dataka of which is the Mahápilupati Pasupata, Was written by the Mahdsandhivigrahddhikaranádhikrita Vatohalin. Sam 300 40 7 Sravans su 10 6.
BY STEN KONow. Årigom is a village in the Nagam pargana, 74° 45' long., 39° 56' lat., about 15 miles south. west of Srinagar, as the crow flies. Dr. Stein, in his note on the Rajatarangini I. 340, identifies Årigồm with Hådigråma, where Gop&ditya is said to have established an agrahara, and states that some remains of temples were traced there by Pandit KART R&m in 1891. HAdigráma is further mentioned by Kalhaņa (VIII, 672) as one of the strongholds of the Dâmara Prithvihara. In the troubled times following on the accession of Jayasimha in A.D. 1128, "Hadigrama, where King Sussals and those of his side had lost their renown, was burned by Sajji, whose valour was mighty" (VIII, 1586), and the place is further mentioned in connexion with the inoursion of king Lothana during the same period (VIII, 2195).
In June 1908, Pandit Makond Ram, who had with great courtesy been placed at my disposal by the Kashmir Darbar, was informed by a friend of the existence of an inscribed stone in the house of a Brahmap in Argom, and at my reqaest he went up to inspect it. According to information gathered by him on the spot, the stone in question was found about twelve years ago in a piece of uncultivated land near the Masjid Malik Sahib by a cultivator, who was digging there, and sold to a Brahman for some corn. The Brahmap kept the stone for some time and did pajá to it. Bat people who saw it, told him that the writing probably contained information about hidden treasure, and that the stone therefore properly belonged to the Maharaja. He got frightened, and first hid the stone under the wall of his house, but later on he threw it into a pit at the entrance of his gôtáld and covered it up with cow-dong. Papdit Mukand Ram farther informs me that images, pedestals, stones and bricks are found all over the place, and it is probable that excavations would yield interesting results.
The stone mentioned above is square, measuring 200 each way, and being 44" high. On the top is a raised circle, apparently the base of an image. One of the four faces of the stone is inscribed with five lines in Sarade letters.
The writing covers a space of 17" X 34, and the height of the letters averages *". They are distributed over five lines, the fifth of which contains the date. The beginning of the first two lines and the last letter in lines 1-3 and the three last letters in line 4 have disappeared.
The characters are Sarada, and they are very well cut. Ja has the older form as in the Baijnath prasasti. The final form of m oocars in line 3. The diphthong & has been marked in two different ways, by means of a horizontal line above, as in bhagavate, l. 1, or by a vertical before the consonant as in té, 1. 2. Similarly ő is sometimes marked by adding a horizontal above, sometimes by prefixing vertical to the consonant accompanied by the sign for d. Compare