7 sri-Mandaldsvara-svâmi-[pAda]ya koshthikata) A-chandr-arkka-sama8 kaliyam-akshaya prati dinam) naivedyarttham tapdula-prastha-dvayan 9 dipa-taila-palagys ch=8[pani]bandhaḥ karitaḥ sri-Mandalesvara10 svámi-padanam vichchhiltti-vijfrånta-tantra-sadharapan pañchâsatâm 11 dingråpåm gôbe . .. ja-bhaktady-apakaranani 12 dəyanikayasya datta[mo-êtad-ê]vam viditvå yathakal-adhya [sibhi)13 r-spôvanikair=vvå yasthåni]baddhasya vigható na ka[rya] 14 évam=abhiếrávito yo[=nyatha]kury&t=s& mahậpåtakais=sa (ha) 15 [nara]ke vasót évam ... vadháraņaya madhya .. . 16 . . . . . bhåka . . . tam=iti || Ukta[n- cha] 17 . .. .. . yatnád-raksha Yudhishthira 18 . .. ... danach-chhreyô=nup&lanam.
TRANSLATION. Hail. In the year 80, on the twenty-second day of Karttika, on the above-mentioned year, month and day, in the reign of the great feudatory, the Mahápratihara, the Maharaja (Uda]yasona, the kulapati Bhagudalana, having applied to the Council of gods (PBrahmanas) through the dandandyaka Gômibhata bailt this matha of the dévakula of Narayana, to increase the morit of his father and mother and of his own self, near the temple of Vinitêsvara. For the lord Mandalêsvara provision has been made every day, as long as the Sun and the Moon last, everlastingly, to provide two prasthas of rice for the votive offering and a pala of oil for the lamp from the treasury. Fifty dinâras current up to the frontiers . . . . . . of the Lord Mandaldevara- . . . . . with rice and other ingredients. Knowing it to be a gift of the Council of gods, the merchants who trade on the waters(?) and who arrive at the proper time should not hinder this arrangement. Having heard this, whoever acts to the contrary shall live in hell with great sins. . . .0! Yudhishthira, preserve with care . . . . . . . preservation is preferable to gifts.
BY T. BLOCH, Pr.D. The stone bearing this inscription was discovered by Rakhal Das Banerji in April, 1908, in the Lucknow Museum. As Dr. Vogel tells me, it is a red sandstone slab, 3' l' high, 11" wide, and 47" thick. "It is broken off at the top, just where the octagonal portion begins. Here the four corners are provided with an ornament in the Mathurå style. The lower portion of the slab is carved with a seated female figure, apparently unfinished. The back of the column is out off straight." The photograph of the stone, supplied to me by Dr. Vogel, shows that this carving has been done at a later time, perhaps when the stone was intended to be used for some building. It has destroyed a good many letters in the second half of the inscription, while the first half has become almost entirely obliterated by sharpening knives on it.
However, enough remains to make it absolately clear that the inscription was identical with the dedicatory epigraph on the pedestal of the large standing Bodhisattva from Sahet
1 The sign at the end of this line has been added in order to fill up the vacant space. + [I would read dattanyedad.-S. K.) + [I read id pávanikairs-8. K.)
[I would translate : those who come and worship from time to time or the ascetics of the tapósana.-S. K.]