No. 41.]
Br R. D. BAHWI.. This inscription was discovered among the debris which had. socumulated argand the temple of Mandadvart in the Bhabns subdivision of the Shahabad district. It seems that sometime after the incision of the inscription some ignorant person sawod it lengthwise in halves, The two halves of the inscription were discovered and brought to the Indian Museum at different dates. The second half seems to have been discovered by the late Babu Purna Chandra Mukharji so far back as 1891-92. The first half, which is the more important part of the inscription, as it contains the date, was discovered in 1902. Impressions on tin foils' were then sent to Dr. Bloch. The inscription was finally bronght to the Indian Museum in the beginning of 1904. The two halves have now been joined together and placed on a Masonry pedestal in the Inscription gallery of the Museum.
The stone measures 2' 8" by 1' 1' and contains eighteen lines of well-executed writing. In the first half of the inscription the first fifteer' lines are clear, but the sixteenth line has been much damaged and the seventeenth and eighteenth lines have been lost altogether. With the exception of the last two lines, .which contain one of the anal imprecatory verses, the whole of the inscription is in prose.
In a previous paper I have fully discassed the palæography of this inscription. The only orthographical pecnliarities are the substitution of ba for va in sambatsara, and the tige of # instead of in before f. Letters with a supersoribed rô pha have been doubled. Final forms of m are to be found in 11. 2, 4 and 18, and of t in 1. 15. The nga of avagraha has not been used at all, though it would have been in its place in II. 14 and 18. Note also the form kdritakan in l. 6.
The inscription records a grant of two prasthas of rice and a pala of oil to the god Mandaldivara by a kulapati na ned Bhagudalana. It is dated in the year 80 in the reign of the Mahasamanta, Mahápratihára, Maharaja Udayasdan, who is not known from other sources. Judging from the affinity of the characters of this insoription with those of the years 34 and 39 from Nepal, the era is most probably that established by Harshavordhana. The mutilation of the central portion of the inscription by sawing the stode into two halves has caused & series of gaps. Some of these can be filled-up, bat lines 11 and 15 are quite unintelligible. I now odit the inscription from the original stone.
TEXT. 1 Om Samba tava)taare trinsatistame] Karttika-divas dvivihlatime
asmin-samba (mva)tsará-masa-[diva]sa-púryvky&m fri-Mahamante3 Mahápratihara Maharaj-[Oda]yasena-rajyê kulapati-Bhagudalana-7 4 888 ddvanikAyam danda[n]yaka-G3mibhstens prartthayitva 5 matapittzor-&tmanag-cha pasqysJbhivsiddhaya Vinitavara-mathagatns6 dan matham tat-kåritakath [8rt-]Nárkyapa-dávakulasya
List of Ancient Monuments in Bengal (published by the Pablic Works Department, 1896) pp. 870—371 Annual Report of the Arokæologioal Survey of India (1902-08), pp. 49-48.
Annual Report of the Archeological Survey, Bongal Oirole, 1909, p. 80. See above, p. 286 t.
A bencher who maintain ten thousad pupils at his own cost is termed kulapati. See dekaapalyd. bidhdnam. Bendall. Journey to Nopal, pp. 72-78.
Expreod by symbol The final ns of this word has been added above the line.