[Vol. IX.
138 and 139.- In the Amritaghatesvara temple at Tirukkadaigür. i Svasti eri [ll] [Tiru-ma)gal.. ....... ... .. . éri-kv-Irajarajakesaripanmarku
yâpd[1] 16 vadu Agum gându Pi3 [ra]ttádi-tti[nga]! pir-pakkattu=[p]pakkam [8 ettu] =kki[la] maio Tinga! nå!
Pa[na]rpusam . . . . . . . . . . 9 ......... i[]v-[andey] Tula-nayagu pů[rvva-bha]kshat[ta]
dvå[da]fiyam Naya[x]u-kila[m]ai yum] porra Iráivadi . ..
« In the year which was the 18th year of the reign) of the glorious king Rajarajakesarivarman,- on the day of Punarvasu, the week-day (being) Monday, (and) the day of the fortnight being (8-eight--] of the second half of the month Puraţtadi .. . . . . . . . . on the day of] Bêvati which corresponded to a Sunday and to the twelfth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Tula in this year.".
The first of these two dates regularly corresponds to Monday, the 23rd September A.D. 1000, which was the 29th day of the month Puraţtadi (.e. the month of Kanya), and on which the 8th tithi of the dark half (of Åsvina) commenced Oh. 55 m., while the nakshatra was Punarvasu, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 22 h. 20 m., and by the Brahma. siddhanta for 21 h. 40 m., after mean sunrise.
The second date apparently corresponds to Sunday, the 13th October A.D. 1000. This was the 18th day of the month of Tula, and on it the 12th tithi of the bright half of Karttika) ended 1 h. 17 m. after mean suprise ; but as the nakshatra was Revati only from 11 h. 10 m. after mean suprise, I should have expected the day to be described as the day of the preceding nakshatra) Uttara-Bhadrapada.
140.-- In the Siva temple at Perangiyor. 1 Svasti eri [II] . . . . . . . . . fri-Raja-Rajarajadevarka y&pdu
2[4]ávadu . . . . . . . . . . i-y&ndu 6 Mpiñchika-någarrupa[r]vva
pakshattu=P(puday]-kilamaiyum pañjamiyum perra Ti[ru]vo[na]ttip nâ[1].
“In the 2[4]th year (of the reign) of the glorious Raja-R&jarajadêva, on the day of Sravans, which corresponded to the fifth tithi and to & [Wednesday) of the first fortnight of the month of Vfischiks in this year."
For the given week-day (Wednesday) and the nakshatra Sravana the date would be wrong for all the ten years from the 20th to the 29th year of Rajaraja's reign. Irrespectively of the week-day, the date for the 24th year would correspond to Saturday, the 6th November A.D. 1008, which was the 12th day of the month of Vțischika, and on which the 5th tithi of the bright half of Margasirsha) ended 3 h. 33 m. after mean sunrise, while the nakshatra by all systems was Sravana the whole day. I have little doubt that this Saturday is the proper equivalent of the date and that the week-day, if not misread, has been wrongly given in the original.
1 No. 27 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906. * The letter !a is engraved below the line. * Read Rrati-nat. . 1.e. the utthdna-duddahl-tithi (the tithi of the awakening of Vishnu).
No. 208 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906. • Read Vriolika