No. 29.)
(Continued from Vol. VIII. page 274.) From the materials supplied to me by Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya I publish here, with the results of my calculations, twenty-two more dates of Chola kings (Nos. 137-158), and two dates (Nos. 159 and 160) of the king Peruõjingadêva, "who claims to be a Pallava and who subverted the Chola sovereignty about A.D. 1231-32." Five of these dates (Nos. 145-149) belong to the king Rajadhiraja (II.) Rajakesarivarman, of whom no dates have yet been published, and whose reign these dates with great probability show to have commenced between (approximately) the 28th February and the 30th March A.D. 1183. The other dates in general merely confirm the correctness of the resalts previously found for the commencement of the reigns of the kings to whom they belong ; but No. 142 reduces the period, during which Rajaraja II. must have commenced to reign, to the time from (approximately) the eth April to the 11th July A.D. 1146.
I am still keeping back & number of dates of Kaldttunga-Chola II. Rajak@sarivarman in the hope that more dates of this king may be discovered before long.
At the end of this article I give a list of all published dates of Chðla kings that have been examined by me, with approximate statements of the time when each king commenced to reign.
A.-RAJARAJA I. 137,- In the Sivayoganathasvamin temple at Tiruvisalur." i Svasti sri [ll ] Kô-Rajarajakesarivarmmakkı yându 5 Avadu ivv-attsai]
[Dhanu-[n]åyarru Nayarru- kk[i]lamaiyum Malamum pakka2 m prathipadamum kūdiga vara-yogatt[i]o pôda.
"In the 6th year of the reign) of king Rajarajakosarivarman,- on the day of the auspicions yoga which was combined with the first tithi of a fortnight, (the nakshatra) Mala and & Sunday in the month of Dhanus of this year."
I have previously found that Rajaraja I. commenced to reiga between (approximately) the 25th June and the 25th July A.D. 985. This date of the 5th year of his reign corresponds to Sunday, the 1st December A.D. 989, which was the 8th day of the month of Dhanus, and on which the first tithi (of the bright half of Pausha) commenced 5 h. 6 m., while the nakshatra was Müla, by the equal space system for 16 h. 25 m., and according to Garga for 3 h. 56 m., after mean sunrise.
For dates with the auspicious yoga-- also called amrita-yoga 7- of a Sunday with the nakshatra Mala, see above, Vol. VI. p. 21, No. 33, and note. Compare also Hémachandra's Sabdénué deana-vritti, end of Adhyâya II. Påda 2: Malarkal & früyata taatri sarvakalyangkaranam adhuna Malarajasatu chitrari lókéshu giyaté ll.
1 See Mr. Venkayys's Annual Report for 1908-07, p. 89. • Compare above, Vol. VIII. p. 264. • No. 19 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1907. • Read pratipada . It is not stated whether it was the bright or the dark fortnight. • Bee above, Vol. VII. p. 6. + See Ep. Carn. Vol. IV. p. 114, No. 10. #Le. Milla-nakshatrina yuktb'rka) drya.