No. 25.]
(V. 4.) From him was born Vågharaja, whose feet were indeed scratched by the friction of diadema (adorning the heads) of (other) kings (prostrating themselves before him). By (this) king, who was devoted to his subjects like a father, the world came to be well-ruled on all sides.
(V.5.) From this lion as it were was born Vôpadêve, another lion, frightened by whom the elephant like hostile kings went (i.e. retired) to the (various) cardinal points of the compass).
(V. 6.) From him was born the illustrious Karnadeva (who was) the splendour (adorning) the assembly of kings, whose glory was (well) known, and through fear of whose sword in the form of dispensation of justice the Kali (age) was unable to enter the spotless KAkaira country.
(V. 7.) His queen was the beautiful Bhopalladhvi, whom the people considered as if she were Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) come to this earth.
(V. 8.) Having completely conquered the lords of all the neighbouring countries by the force of his arm and having secured paramount sovereignty (over them), (he) caused them to become devoted to his service, to pay tribute and presents and to become charitable.
(V. 9.) In the holy place Devahrada five edifices were built by him. Two of them were his own, where Sankara and Keśava (are enshrined).
(V. 10.) The king, having caused two other temples of the god of gods, the holder of the trident, to be built bestowed them on (i.e. dedicated them in the name of) his parents.
(V. 11.) One temple Karnarája gave to (i.e. dedicated in the name of) king Banakesarin, through fraternal affection, knowing that his lineage was to become extinct.
(V. 12.) There, an auspicious temple was also caused to be built by Bhopalla-devi, who wished for the anion with her husband (both) in body as well as in meritorious acts.
(V. 13.) This (was done) in the Saka year eleven hundred increased by fourteen. Let prosperity daily attend. Composed by the clever Nrisimha.
The Satradhåra (architeot) was Süpå (R).
BY D. R. BHANDARKAR, M.A.; Poona. Last year a summary of this inscription was published by Prof. Kielhorn, with a promise to publish the full text on some future occasion. The impressions sent by Pandit Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha of Udaipur were not sufficiently clear for that purpose. During the touring season ending March 1906, my work chiefly lay in the Sirohi State. I was thus able to inspect the original stone in person and take the best possible impressions. When the summary was afterwards published on my return to head-quarters, I sent my impressions to Prof. Kielhorn. But, as circumstances arose which prevented him from publishing them, the impressions were
In the original tho word is trisdras which I originally read as trieddanan. Dr. Konow bus suggested the correction adopted in the text.
* Göttinger Nachrichten, 1906, H. 2.