No. 18.)
in the words 1379 Jyéshtha-sudi 9 Sôme. But against this it has to be said that in four independent inscriptions (Nos. 1771, 1821, 1829 and 1904 of Mr. Cousens' List) we have saivat (or sam) 1878 varshé Jyéshtha-vadi 9 Soma-dine (or Somd), which evidently is the same date as the one given in our inscription. And besides, for the bright half of Jyaishtha the date would be quite incorrect for 1378 (as a Chaitrådi current or expired, or Kárttikadi expired year), whereas for the dark half of the purnimanta Jyaishţha of the expired Karttikadi Vikrams year 1378 it regularly corresponds to Monday, the 10th May A.D. 1322. For these reasons I regard my translation of the date to be correct and take Monday, the 10th May A.D. 1922 to be ita proper equivalent; and I consider the way in which the date has been repeated in line 30 (where 1379' under any circumstances would be suspicious) to be due to a mistake.
TEXT. 1 Om 11 3Śri-Arbudatirtha-prasastir-likhyatd 11 Augikfit-&chalapado vpishabh åsito -
si bhatir-gapadhipatiaðvita-padapadmaḥ sambhur-yugAdipurush jagad
ekanáthaḥ papyâya pallavayatu prati-vasaram sa[b]? || 1 2 Nibaddha-mulaiḥ phalibhiḥ sapatrai d rumair=narêmdrair=iva sêvyamanah
padagrajâgrad-bahuvshinikah Sri-Arbudô nandatu Saila-rajah 112 Yasmin
10 Visightânalskunda-janma kshatikshati-tråpaparaḥ pur=Asit pratyashi-11 3 thisarthonmathana-kritathi 119 kshit&v=iha Sri-Paramara-námå || 3 Tad-anvayê
Kanhadadêva-virah pur-svir-asival prabala-pratapab chirah nivasan
vidadhanal6 yasya karambuje sarvajagaj-jayasrih || 4 Tatkulakamala4 marilah kila[bo] pratyarthi-mandalikânâ[m] | Chandravatipur-iśaḥ samajani
vir-&grapi[ro]-Dha[m]dhuh I 5 17Ári-Bhimadovasya nipasa(nya) BvAmamanya[m]&naḥ kila Dhandhurajaḥ nardia-rðsh&ch=cha tato managvi(svi) Dharadhipam
1 From an impression supplied by Mr. Cousens, No. 1790 of his List. - Denoted by a symbol. • Here, w often elsewhere, the vowel of frt is left unchangad before the initial vowel of a proper name. • Metre: Vsaantatilaka. . This sign of punctuation, which is superfigous, may have been struck out in the original. • Originally yamtu was engraved.
* Originally ad was engraved, but it seems to have been changed to sah. So far as I can see the verse does not admit of a proper construction. In the three first Pades the author addresses the Jains Tirthamkara Rishabha, in terms which would be equally applicable to the god Sivs ; and, as the text stands, he then in the fourth Pada speaks of him in the third person, in words which would literally mean may he day by day put forth sprouts for (our) religious merit. Instead of pallapayatu I should have expected pallavaya, followed by an accusative case and generally words to some such effect a cate our devotion to thee to sprout for our religious merit! (Compare Satrwajaya-mahatmya XIV. 33: tddrisandria hi sadbhakti-rally-daan pallavaty api). In the first Pada I take erishabhnite si to be equivalent to both Vrishabha, dritori and orishabldritari, so that the Pada would mean both Vrishabha (Rishabhs)! having chosen this mountain for your residence, you are seated (here),' and you (o siva !), who have taken the name Achals, sro sested on s ball. I am aware that Rishabhs has bull for his cognisance, and that in representations of him this animal is figured beneath him; but I am not sure that he could be described as seated on a bull.'- In the second pada ganddhipati denotes both Papdariks, the leader of Rishabha's gana, and Gagés.
• Metre of verses 2 and 3: Upajati.
• Read sapattraire. The word phala means both 'fruit' and 'the blade (of a sword),' etc.; pattra leaves and vehicles, etc., and odhint rivers' and 'armies'. 1. Rond Varishtado; the same wrong reading we have below, in line 9.-- With anala-lunda compare agw-kunda in Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 234, v. 6.
1. The akılara shi is mistake for rthi, and should be struck out because thi has been repeated at the commencement of line 8. Bead -kritárthaḥ. u Metre : Upêndrs vajri.
# Read-dofte. » Wrong for vidadad, which would not have suited the metre. » Metre : Aryl 11 Metre : Upajiti.