There are at Vimala's temple several short inscriptions of members of this family, likewise dated in the (Vikrama) year 1378. And there is a longer inscription of the same family, No. 1791 of Mr. Cousens' List, which is dated, in words and figures, in the Vikrama year 1309. This inscription contains 25 lines of writing with 15 verses, and records the installation, by Anandasari, of an image of Nēmijina (Nêminatha) at Vimala's vasahika. We learn from it that the family belonged to the Uka[68] vania, and that its founder, Jelháka, as he is there called, was an inhabitant of Måndavyapura (Mandor). After Kuladhara it mentions five sons of his, but as the text is partly effaced, I am not at present prepared to give their names from the ink-impression at my disposal.
The remaining verses (39-42) of our inscription record that Rishabha was installed (or rather re-installed) on the mountain Arbuda by the guru or súri Jhanachandra, on a date in the (Vikrama] year 1378. Regarding the spiritual lineage of Jñanachandra, we learn that he was preceded by Amaraprabhasuri, and that the founder of the lineage was Dharmastri, also called Dharmaghôsha-gapäryaman, i.e. Dharmaghosha, the sun of the gana," who defeated Vadichandra and Guņachandra, and caused the awakening of three kings. Other inscriptions of the (Vikrama) year 1378 speak of Jñanachandra either as being in the paffa of Dharmasari' or as being in the paffa of Dharmaghoshasari ;" and an undated inscription, No. 1796 of Mr. Couseds' List, commences with the words : SrimadDharmaghoshasuri-paffd bri-Ana(na) idasuri-fri-Amaraprabhasúri-paff& fri-Jadnachandrasûri-. The Ânandasari of the last must be the Anandasûri mentioned above with a dato in the Vikrama year 1309; and the Anandasúri and Amaraprabhasari of the inscription apparently are the Anandasûri and his disciple Amaraprabhashri who, according to Prof. Peterson's Fifth Report, p. 110, 1. 1, are mentioned in & manuscript written by Amaraprabhasûri's advice in tho Vikrama) year 1344. Before Anandasuri there is mentioned, ibid. p. 109, Dharmastri (a disciple of Silabhadrasuri of the Råja-gachchha), who to the pride of conceited disputants was what the lion's roar is to an elephant, and who put an end to the intoxication of the king Vigraha. And the same person is mentioned, ander the name Dharmaghôshasari, in Prof. Peterson's Third Report, App. pp. 15 and 307, where he is represented as enlightening the king of Sakambhari; and ibid. p. 262, where he is said to have defeated disputants in the presence of the king of the Sapadalakshe country. From all this there can be no doubt that, of the three kings who in our inscriptiou are spoken of as having been awakened by Dharmasuri, one was a king Vigrahardja of Sakambhari (the capital of the SapAdalaksha country). In fact, I believe that that king is identical with Visaladêva-Vigrahardja, whose Delhi Siwalik pillar inscriptions (No. 144 of my Northern List) are dated in the Vikrama year 1220 (in A.D. 1164), and that Dharmaghoshasuri himself is a person of that name who in a short Vimala temple inscription (No. 1906 of Mr. Cousens' List) is mentioned with a date in the [Vikrama) year 1226 (in A.D. 1170). Who the two other kings were I do not know ; nor have I identified yet Vadiohandra and Gunachandrs who were defeated by Dharmasdri.
The date given in verse 42 is Monday, the ninth tithi of the dark half (sili) of Jyêshtha in the year made up of the vasus (8), the munis (7), the gunas (3) and the moon (1), i.e. the (Vikrama) year 1378. Here there is the difficulty that the word siti, which I have translated by the dark half,' might equally well denote the bright half'; and at first sight the latter interpretation might really seem to be preferable, because in line 30 of our text the date is repeated
1 This is the inscription referred to in 4. Res. Vol. XVI. p. 311, in the words: "Another (vis. inscription), in like manner, shows a date 8. 1809, but nothing else."
· I.e. the Oravila tribe ; compare Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 40.
Nos. 1769, 1822 and 1868 of Mr. Cousens' List. • Nos. 1756, 1758A, 1764 and 1793 of Mr. Cousens List.
. There is a Vadiobaodra who composed the Judnardryodaya ; I do not know whother he is the man mentioned in our inscription.