Gubavihare [Guhávihåre).
TRANSLATION. In the cave-vshara.
Bühler would translate: In the Guha-monastery,' and the matter cannot be considered certain, as we have a Hamsasanghåráma near Gaya (Archeological Surrey Reports, Vol. I. p. 18) and a (Jaina) Mihiravihdra mentioned in an inscription pablished by him in Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 212.
H'. Dhamada(?)na(P) (dhammad&nam).
TRANSLATION Religious donation.
N. 1 Ayariasa budhilasa nakrarasa bhikhn (Syáriassa Buddhilassa Nakraraassa bhikkhu-] 2 sa sarvastivatasa pagra [-ssa Sarvåstivatasse pågrå-] 3 na mahasaghiana pra [-Dam Mahasåtaghiánam prd-] 4 ma(P)ñavitave khalulasa (-mábavittavê khaldlaga).
TRANSLATION. To the Sarvastivedin dohárya Buddhila, a bhikkhu of Nagars, an exercise-ground in the knowledge of the nature of proof to the vanguard of the Mahasanghikas.
L. 1. Buddhila is, of course, the bhikkhu already mentioned in the inscription F. The rendering of Nagara' (Bühler) seems to be the most satisfactory among the meanings of Nagaraka, for which see the St. Petersburg Dictionary. Concerning the place probably denoted see Watter's Yuan Ohwang, Vol. I. pp. 184 ff., 201 and reff.
Ll. 2-3. Of the sa which Bühler inserts after gra, in order to get the word prakásamá I can see no trace.
L. 4. The reading seems certain; the only difficulty is the word khalula. Halayudha gives khadúríká in the sense of 'a military exercise-ground,' and the Atharva-Veda has khadura with indeterminate sense. If the rendering given above does not seem quite acceptable, we may at least find in khalula some form from the root khand, so common still in titles of controversial works. That the Mahaeanghikas were opposed to the Sarvâstivadins Bühler has already observed. I conjecture that pramunavitave-pramanyavittve.
1 Sarvabudhana puya dhamasa (sarvabaddhanam půya dhammassa) 2 puya saghasa puya (půyå samghassa půya).
TRANSLATION. Honour to all the Buddhas, Honour to the Dharma, Honour to the Sangka.
1 Sarvasa sakrasta (sarvassa Sakrasta.) 2 nasa puyae [-nassa půyde).
In small characters below the letter H. in Plate I. • In small characters, as H., below the letter I'. in Plate I.
See Plate III.