NOTE. The ta, if it is so to be read, has the earlier form.
F. 1 Budhilasa nakraraaga [Buddhilassa Näkraraasse] 2 bhikhusa sarvastivatasa [bhikkhussa Sarvâstivatassa).
G. 1 Mahachhatavasya kusalaasa padikasa meva(na)kiss [mahachhatravasya Kusûlaassa
Padikassa Mevakissa) 2 miyikasa chhatarasa puyao [Miyikassa chhatavassa puyab].
J. (). Sarvastivatana padi (ri P]grahe (Sarvåstivátåna padi(ri ?)grah8].
TRANSLATION, 7.-Of the Nagara bhikkhu Buddhila, a Sarvastivadin.
G.–For the honour of the Great Setrap, the Kustlaka Padika, and the Satrap Movaki Miyika.
J.- For the acceptance of the Sarvastivadins.
NOTES. These three inscriptions, written in aksharas of about the same size, adjoin each other, and may form a single whole.
Readings.-G.1.-The va or na of mdoa(na) kisa is a single straight stroke. Movaki is however more probable than ménaki (maindki); see above.
J. (3).-The di in padigraht (=pratigrahd) is identical with that in Padika ; nevertheless parigraha is on the whole more probable in view of A. 1. 16. The bhikkhu Buddhila may be, but need not be, identical with the Buddhaddve of the inscription K. He belongs to Nagara, no doubt the famous city of Nagarahára (but see Watter's Yuan Ohwany, Vol. I. p. 184 ff., 201 and reff.). Concerning the remaining persons see the introductory remarks. There seems to be no ground for joining the inscription J. (3), as Bibler does, to the lines J. (1 and 2), on the opposite face (the front) of the stone.
M. 1 Chba(chohhatrave sadise (chhatrave Sudisl] 2 imo padhravi [imô padhravi] 3 pratego (pratégo]
1 veya ath (u P) dirna (dinam P) kadhavaro busapa 2 ro kadha 8 varo 4 riya
Bee Plate IL • See Plate I.
· Iud. . Ibid.
• Toid.