No. 17.)
the Mäpikille, Tazils, and Wardak inscriptions) the active construction (pratifháréti) is preferred.
B. 1 Mabachha(chohha?)travasa [msh&chhatravassa) 2 vajalasya putra (Rajalasya putra] 3 fadase chatrave (Gaddad chhatravo].
TRANSLATION Budas, son of the Great Satrap Radlje, being Satrap.
NOTES. L. 1. A cross stroke, apparently intentional, on the chha may indicate duplication, as in the Cabes already solel.
L. 2, oa (sre). · L. 3. As these inscriptions seem to present no other nominatives in -e, Sudúet may best be royarded as a locative; in M. it is plainly so.
1 Kalui & [Kaldi A-] 2 varajojho ?) [-varajo).
KAIGI, younger brother.
Naulado [Naülado).
1 Khara(rha Posto yuvaraya [Kharadst8 yavardyk] 9 khalamasa kumara [Khalamasa kumera) 8 maja kanitka [Maja kaniţtha] 4 As(sar ?) manamota.
TRANSLATION. Kharadata, Heir Apparent; Khalamasa, kumara; Maja; youngest ; . . . . .
NOTES. Bühler read Jolama" in 1. 2, but the akshara seems to be a kha. He also regarded kumdrá(t)maja as a single word. The last line is uncertain; but I may perhaps suggest that the cross stroke in mo is accidental, in which case we may understand the words samand miti
indicating that the three mons named were uterine brothers. Bühler's reading chha is by no means borne out by inspection. Kamnio [Kam018 P].
NOTR. Apparently s proper name, like KA101.
kra karya Prita (yu P) (-km
kårita P].
1 Bee Plate II. • In small letters at the place indicated in Plate III. • In smalle letters within E. Bee Plate II. . On the right cheok of the right lion; not shown in the photographe.
• See Plate IIL. • Bee Plate II.