[Vol. IX.
is denoted by the sign for m, not by that of anusvdra.- In lines 1-23 the inscription has 23 verses, chiefly containing genealogical matter, 21 of which are already known to us from the inscription A.; and in lines 25-27 we again find the verse commencing with Vatabhravibhramam=ida vasudh-adhipatyam, and in lines 42-48 five benedictive and imprecatory verses, the last of which here too is the verse commencing with Iti kamaladalambuvindu-lålam. There are besides two verses in lines 50-52, which record the names of persons who had to do with the writing of the grant. In the prose part of the text, attention may be drawn to the peculiar construction in lines 25-28, asmábhiḥ ... Gárgadeva-pársvát ... gramô=yan tribhyo brahmanabhyo dapitah, we have caused Gangadêva to give this village to three Brâhmans.'
The inscription records an order by the Paramara Maharajadhiraja Jayavarman (II.) of Mâlava, dated, as will be shown below, in A.D. 1260 and 1261. Of the 23 verses with which it opens, verses 1.21 are identical (except for two various readings) with the same verses of the inscription A., and contain therefore the same list of kings from Bhojadeva to Dêvapala. The two new verses, 22 and 23, may be rendered thus :
“When that king, the glorious Dêvapala, had joyfully resorted to Indra's abode, his son, & death-dealing god to enemies (while) ever pleasing the people by his good qualities, the wise king Jaitugidêva, the glorious Malava chief, ruled this land, by his noble exploits & young Nåråyaņa."
"Now that he, after enjoying the delights of royalty, has gone to the habitation of the gods, his younger brother, king Jayavarman, rules the land."
Dévapala, therefore, was succeeded by his son Jaitugidêve, and he by his younger brother Jayavarman (II).-Jaitugidêve was known already from the prasasti in Åsadhara's Dharmůmrita, referred to above, according to which the commentary on that work was completed during the reign of the Pramára Dêvapala's son Jaitugidēva, on date which corresponds to Monday, the 19th October A.D. 1243. In my Northern List, No. 223, I have assumed that Jaitugidova is identical with a king who is mentioned in * Rabatgadh inscription of the 28th August A.D. 1256, noticed by me in Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 84, where I have given the king's name as Jaya[simha]dêva. But with what we now know from the present inscription, I am not sure whether Sir A. Cunningham was not right in reading the same name as Jaya[varmma]déva, and would therefore suspend my judgment on the matter till we possess proper impressions of an inscription at Udaypur in Gwalior, which seems to be of the reign of a king Jayasinghadêva and to be dated in the [Vikrama) year 1311 (in Jan.
1 Exactly the same construction occurs in my Report on the search for Sanskrit M88., Bombay, 1881, p. 11: tena ... Idkhaka-86hada-parfodleliklápita, he caused the writer Sohada to write a certain MS.).' With the use of parivát we may compare that of hastát in Prof. Peterson's Fifth Report, p. 29: Udayachandraganina Jinabhadrallkhaka-Maadd-Vimalachandragani-hastachacha Oghanirywktisdirah Ikhitam.
In verse 17 this inscription has Jaitrasithé instead of Jayasinhd, and in verse 21 prufásli instead of rarak ha. For the reading Jaitrasith Md see above, Vol. VIII. p. 203, where a certain person is called both Jayantasitha and Jaitrasimha. If any importance could be attached to the new reading, it would in my opinion show that the Jayasimba, who was defeated by Arjunavarman, undoubtedly was the Chaulukys Jayantasimha (Jayasinha) Abbinavasiddhardja.
The text actually has: "Now that Devapala has resorted to Indra's abode, his son Jaitugidêva rules this land." The verse undoubtedly was taken over unchanged from an inscription of Jaitugidova bimself.
Bala-Narayana most probably was an epithet of the king. Compare Kumdra-Nardyana, as an epithet of the Paramara Sindburája, in the Navasahasdakacharita, 1. 69.
. See above, p. 107.
• See Archæol. Survey of India, Vol. X. p. 31. Judging from Sir A. Cunningham's rabbing of the inscription which I have gain examined, the two aksharas between Jaya and deva are almost completely broken away.
I am writing this with Sir A. Cunningham's rubbing of the inscription before me.