(V. 6.) When the lustre of the moonlight of his glory overflowed the lap of the regions, there closed the day-lotuses of the glory accumulated by hostile kings.
(V. 7.) Then came Udayaditya, whose one desire was constant enterprise ; who, of unequalled glory as a hero, made inglorious his adversaries.
(V. 8.) As lofty mountains, abounding in ridges, at the end of a mundane period are aprooted by impetuous winds, so in fierce contest how many rulers of the earth, abounding in amics, were not uprooted by his irresistible arrows !
(V. 9.) From him sprang king Naravarman, who cleft the vital parts of adversaries; the acme of kings, wise in upholding religion.
(V. 10.) At overy dawn froely granting shares of villages to Brahmane, he made religion, one-footed though it is in this Kali age), possessed of several feet.
(V. 11.) His son was Yasovarman, the chaplet of Kshatriyas; (and) from him sprang his son Ajayavarman, renowned for the glory of victory.
(V. 12.) His son, of auspicious birth, the foremost of heroes, was Vindhyavarman, long of arın, eager to extirpate the Gurjaras,
(V. 13.) The sword of this (king) skilled in war, with Dhard rescued by it, assumed three edges, to protect as it were the three worlds.
(V. 14.) Then the son of that illustrious one, king Subhatavarman, abiding by religion, ruled the surface of the earth, glorious like Iudra.
(V. 15.) The fire of prowess of that conqueror of the quarters, whose splendour was like the sun's, in the guise of a forest-fire even to-day blazes in the town of the blustering Gurjara.
(V. 16.) Now that he has attained unto godhead, his son king Arjuna supports with his arm the circle of the earth like a bracelet.
(V. 17.) When in the battle which was his childhood's frolic Jayasimha took to flight, his iame spread in the quarters in the guise of the laughter of the quarters' guardians.
(V. 18.) A treasure-house of the stores of poetry and song, he now has relieved the goddess (Sarasvati) of the burden of her books and lyre.
(V. 19.) This triple hero made his fame triply sprout. How otherwise did the three worlds acquire their whiteness?
la the galilen age dharma had four feet, of which it lost one in each subsequent age (Paráfarasmriti, ed. by V an Sustri Islâmpurkar, Vol. I. P. I. p. 82). The word for share in the original being pada, i.e. foot, the king by crauting shares of villages increase the number of dharma's feet and so brought back as it were the kolde oge. Compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 218, 1. 19: mahdddnddy-aftnyasi kuronaspareranyaandkaiah 1 dharmony=arfrridhad-younris; see also ibid. Vol. XII. p. 159, 1. 7.
By itielf the sword hal two eilges (andra); the town of Dhara, retaken by it, became its third edge (hard). The autlior suggests that the sword became like the tridhárd, i.e. the three-streamed 'Gang, which flows through, and purifies, heaven, earth, and the lower regions.
The wonl pattana may also be taken a proper name of the well-known Fattans (see ag. above, Vol. VIIL p. 224, No. XII., and p. 220, No. XXXII.).
Garijad-Gdrijara- oceurs also above, p. 85. 1. 27; compare also Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 217, 1. 11: ta aivan G[1]rijara garija.
This now is really inappropriate in inscriptions of Arjunavarman's successors, but the verses 16-19 have been taken over unchanged from that king's own grants.
o le a hero in fight, in compassion (like Jimataváhana), and in bounty (like Bali)- yuddha-vira, daydfra, and dana-efra; compare Vámanacharya in his elition of the Karyaprakdia, p. 113; Sringdratilaka, III. 14 (trividh nayakah); and similar works. In the Parijata maijarl, above, Vol. VIII. p. 102, 1. 7, and p. 103, 1. 18, Arjuna varman is styled trividharira oddamani. The same epithet I find applied to a person named Udaya, in three Mount Abà inscriptions of the Vikrama year. 1245 and 1291 (Mr. Cousens' List, Nos. 1725, 1726 and 1840). With the whole verse one may compare Bldvall, p. 258: Narasimha mahlpdla kirtinaripathagd tara wa kasya bhavitd fldghya pundnd bhuvanatrayam 1.