take pañchao to be equivalent to panchakalpin (pañcholi) which ooours as an epithet of two persons (father and son) in Prof. Weber's Catalogue of the Berlin MSS., Vol. II. p. 96. In the Gode of 20 donees the same epithet is borne by grandfather, father and son ; in 7 cases the grandfather and father have the same epithet, and the son has a different one; and in one case the epithet of father and son is the same, while that of the grandfather differs. In the four remaining cases we have the sequences : dikshita, dvasathika, sukla; upadhyaya, agnihotrin, dľkshita ; agnihotrin, dikshita, dvasathika ; and agnihotrin, upadhyâya, dvasathska. Speaking from personal experience, I remember that many of my Indian pupils had one or the other of the above mentioned terms as surnames - Dikshit, Padhye, Pathak, Pandit, Shukle, eto.- which they probably have handed down anchanged to their children and children's children.
Of the places with which the donees are connected, I take Mah&vana-sthåns to be Mahaban, a town in the Muttra district of the United Provinces (Constable's Hand Atlas. Plate 27, b); Tripuri-sthina is Tewar, a village in the Jabalpur district of the Central Prov. inces, about six miles west of Jabalpar; Akôlå-sthåns probably is Akola in Berar (ibid. Plate 31, D a), and Mathuri-sthana is Muttra in the United Provinces (ibid. Plate 27, Cb). Dindvånaka-sthåna apparently is the Dåndvânaka, mentioned above, Vol. V. p. 210, now the town of Didwânal in Jodhpur, Rajputâna (ibid. Plate 27, B b). Regarding the remaining places I cannot offer any definite suggestions. Mutávathu-sthana is the same place which is mentioned as Muktavastha-sthâna in the three grants of Arjunavarman and Hastinapura may be the village of Hathiņåvara (on the northern bank of the Narmade in the Pagára pratijagaranaka), which was granted by Arjanavarman's grant published in Journ. Am. Or. Soc. Vol. VII. p. 27. With Takári-sthana compare . Takári,' above, Vol. III. p. 350, and note 13. The names Aśrama-sthåna and Sarasvati-sthåna I have not found elsewhere. On the other hand, Madhyadesa is too well known to call for any remark here.
After the date in line 79, the text of our inscription has the three aksharas ddo bri mw, followed by the numeral 3 and a peculiar mark the exact shape of which may be seen from the photolithograph. The first akshara of course stands for dútakaḥ or data), and should be followed by a name to which the word sri would have been prefixed; but I do not know whether any or what name may be intended to be denoted by mu 3 and the following symbol. We find the same m 3 (probably followed by the same mark which we have here) also in the two grants of Arjunavarman in Journ. Am. Or. Soc. Vol. VII. pp. 29 and 33.
The inscription then has the statement that this was composed by the king's preceptor (rdja.guru) Madana, with the approbation of the mahásándhivigrahika (or great minister of peace and war), the learned Bilhana '- a statement which occurs also in Arjanavarman's grant in Journ. Am. Or. Soc. Vol. VII. p. 33, and (with mahapandita instead of mahásándhivigrahikapandita) in the same king's grant in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. Vol. V. p. 379. On Madana, who may reasonably be taken to have composed merely the introductory verses of the inscription, see now above, Vol. VIII. p. 99. As regards Bilhana, in verse 7 of the pratasti at the end of Åsadhara's Dharmamrita: 'the learned Bilhana, the lord of poets,' is described as the mahasándhivigrahika of the glorious king Vindhya (Vindhya-bhúpati).' Since this king Vindhys can be no other than Arjunavarman's grandfather Vindhyavarman, it might seem as if his mahdsåndhivigrahika Bilhapa could not be the Bilhans of Arjunavarman's grant and of the present inscription. But in my opinion there are not for the present any valid reasons why the
In Prof. Peterson's Third Roport, App. I. p. 385, the town is called Dindardpanagara.
* See Journ. Am. Or. Soo. Vol. VII. pp. 27 and 82, and Journ. 4. Soo. Bong. Vol. V. p. 879 (where the published text has Muktavass-athena).
See Dr. Bhandarkar's Report on the search for Sanskrit M88. during 1888-84, p. 891.
• Vindhya-bl pati has been taken to mean king of the Vindhyas or Malays', but u Arjuna-bmpati ia the smo prarasti denotes Arjunavarman, the former can only decote Vindhyavarman.