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ho had acquired by his own arm (svabhujøpárjita-Nakshisapura-chaturasitiká), to (a temple of) the Sun under the name TarunAdityadêva, which stood on the banks of the river Kanavirika. The boundaries of the village were on the east the village of Sihaváhalaka, on the south the village of Ba[iyasthalla, on the west the village of Pedhillaka, and on the north the village of Anvullaka (Ambullaka). After the usual admonition to preserve this gift, and six imprecatorý verses, lines 29-34 give the names of twelve witnesses-four Brahmaņs, four merchants, and four Mahattaras. They are followed by the name of the writer, which cannot be read with certainty, and this, again, is followed by the date fri-Valabhi-samvat 574 Mágha-fuddha 6, the numerals of which are ordinary decimal figures. The inscription, in line 36, ends with the signatures sva-hastô=[tra) Sri-Va(ba) lavarmmanah II sva-hastaḥ fri-Dhiika, where the second) fra-hastah is preceded by a mark which seems to represent the actual sign-manual of Dhiika. Who this Dhlika was, does not appear from the present inscription; but the grant B. makes it probable that he was a high official of the king Mahendrayudha (Mahendrapala), whose permission was necessary for the making of the grant.
B-Plates of Avanivarman II. Yoga; (Vikrama-]sam vat 956. These are three plates, the second of which is inscribed on both sides, while the first and third are inscribed on one side only. They contain 68 lines of well-preserved writing in Nagari characters. The engraving is done carelessly, so that the text contains numerous mistakes, the correction of some of which, especially in two passages where proper names are concerned, is very difficult. The language is Sanskrit. Lines 1-45 contain twenty-four verses which, after glorifying the Sun, treat of the genealogy of the donor and of his and his ancestors' exploits ; and two imprecatory verses are cited in lines 65-67; the rest of the text is in prose.
The inscription records a grant of land by the Mahasamanta Avanivarman (IT.), surnamed Yoga, of the Chalukys race (verse 2). In this race there were two 'great kings' (maha-muhipato, the brothers Kalla and Mahalla (v. 3), the former of whom is eulogized in conventional terms (vv. 5 and 6). Kalla had a son, whose name cannot be made out with confidence (v.7); and this chief had a son whose name ended with dhavala, and whose full name perhaps was Vahukadhavala (v. 9). This last named chief destroyed (or defeated) in battle a certain Dharma, conquered kings who were well-known rajadhiraja-param&svaras, and defeated a Karnața army (vv. 10 and 11). His son was Avanivarman [1.] (v. 12), and his son, again, was Balavarman (the donor of the grant A., above). Balavarman defeated a certain Vishadha (v. 16) from whom he took away a pair of big drums (uru-dhakká); and, by slaying Jajjapa and other kings, 'freed the earth from the Huna race' (v. 17). His son was Avanivarman (II.), also called Yoga (v. 18), who routed the armies of a certain Yakshadasal and other kings whose countries were invaded by him (vv. 19 and 20), and pat to flight Dharanivardha (v. 21).
In lines 45 ff. this Mahasamanta Yoga (i.6. Avanivarman II.), a feudatory of the Paramabhaffaraka Maharajadhirdja Paramédvara Mahendrapaladeva who meditated on the feet of the P.M.P. Bhojadeva, informs his officials and others, as well as future kings, that, with the approval of the illustrious Dhlika, he gave the village of Amvulaka (Ambulaka), which
* Verse 19 records that, after destroying the army of Yakshadisa, Avanivarman took away from him the musical instrument (tdrya) called edgarakaibha.--In my previous account of this inscription I suggested that Yakshadass may have ruled the Madra country, but this is wrong. As the engraver of the grant in several other places has engraved m instead of y, the actual reading muddha-bhdmine in line 86 must undoubtedly be altered to yuddha-bhdmith, not to Madra-
b mith. * The inscription, the text of which is not quite certain here, seems to indicate that Dhfika was in antapila or frontier-guard' of Mahendrapala's, and that Avapivarman IT. was a subordinate of his (18 ha father Balavarna had been before Liin). See the end of tne grant A.
* This village (Ambalaka or Ambullaks) is mentioned aloo in the grant A.