BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHOBN, C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. TN February 1904 Mr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha of Udaipur in Rajputana most kindly 1 sent me photographs of two Sanskrit inscriptions on copper-plates, which had been found some years before at Ūna, a town in the southernmost part of the peninsula of Kathiâvad, in the Junagadh State. Both inscriptions are of the reign of the Maharajadhirija Mahendrapala or, as he is called in one of them, Mahendrayudha, of Kanauj, and record grants to a temple of the Sun by two feudatories of his, Balavarman and his son Avanivarman II. Yoga, who belonged to a Chalukya family. One is dated in the [Gupta-) Valabhî year 574, corresponding roughly to A.D. 893; the other in the [Vikrama] year 956, corresponding to about A.D. 899. In March 1904 I gave a short account of the contents of these inscriptions, in Nachrichten d. K. Ges. d. Wissenschaften i Göttingen, and I have since tried to secure impressions of the originals. Not having succeeded in doing so, I now venture to publish the texts from Mr. Ojha's photographs.
A.- Plates of Balavarman; Valabhi-samvat 674. These are two plates, each of which is inscribed on one side only. They contain 36 lines of on the whole well-preserved writing in Nagari characters. The language is Sanskrit; it is generally easy to understand, but line 17 contains a revenue term which I have not met with elsewhere and am unable to explain. Lines 7-9 give two verses on the vanity of fortune, etc., and the necessity of works of piety, and lines 22-29 six of the ordinary imprecatory verges; the rest is in prose.
The inscription records a grant of land by the Mahásdmanta Balavarman, the son of Avanivarman [1.], of the Chalukya lineage, a fendatory, who had obtained the five mahdfabdas, of the Paramabhaftáraka Maharajadhiraja Paramétvara Mahendrayudhadeva who meditated on the feet of the P.M.P. Bhôjadêva. From Nakshisapura, Balavarman informs the various officials and others that, after fasting on the sixth tithi of the bright half of Mågha, he gave the village of Jayapura, belonging to the Nakshisapura group of eighty-four which
See Indian Atlas, quarter sheet 13, 8. E., Long. 71° 5', Lat. 21° 40'.
• Since no facsimiles can be published, it would be useless to give full particulars regarding the forms of individual letters; but I may mentio. here that the conjuncts ry and rth are denoted by (well-known) special signs which contain no superscript r.