would therefore have been the own brother-in-law of Chichigadêva. - The following verses treat of the same chief's works of piety. At Srimala he remitted certain taxes, and at Ramasainya he granted funds for the worship of the god) Vigrahaditya, and placed a golden capola (kumbha) and a flag-staff (dhvaja) on the temple of the god) Aparajitesa to whom at the same time he gave & silver girdle (mékhald). For the same temple he provided a hall (fald) with a car (ratha) richly decked with precious stones. Châchigadêva visited the Sugandhadri, worshipped there the goddess Ch&munda, known by the name Agbatêsvari, and at her temple established & mandapa which was consecrated by the Brahmaps on the akshaya-tritiya of the month Vaisakhs of the (Vikrama) year 1319.
I have already stated that the inscription thus for the reign of Chachigadêva yields a date in about A.D. 1262. Two other dates, of the [Vikrama] years 1333 and 1334, falling in about A.D. 1276 and 1277, are furnished for him by the two Bhinmal inscriptions Nos. 702 and 703 of my Northern List, where he is described as the Maharajakula Cháchiga or Chachigadêva.
I may add that Châchigadeva is mentioned, under the name Chacha, in line 8 of the Jodhpur inscription of Rûpådévi, published by me above, Vol. IV. p. 312 ff. In my text of that inscription I have given the name as Cháva, and a renewed examination of the impressions enables me to affirm that either this is the actual reading, or that at any rate the name would be so read in the impressions by any one not acquainted with what we have learnt now from the Sundhs Hill inscription. Knowing what I do now, I have no doubt that the intended reading is Chacha. This Chacha is called a Chåhumana in Rûpådêvi's inscription and described as the son of Udayasimhal and grandson of Samarasimha, which exactly fits our Chichigadêva. The inscription supplies the additional information that Chácha's wife was Lakshmidevi, and that this lady bore to him Rapadevi, who became the wife of a king Tējasimha (to whom she bore a son named Kshetrasimha) and founded a well or tank in A.D. 1284, in the reign of the Mahardjakula Samyantasim hadeva.
First Stone. 1 ll Om || svētâmbhoj-atapatram kim=u Giri-duhituh Svastatinya gavakshaḥ kim
Vå sankhy-âsanam va mahimamukhamshåsidd hidevi-ganasya trailokyanandahêtoh kim=uditam=anaghar slå ghya-nakshatram=uchchaih Sambhor=bhálasthal
@mduḥ sukritikfita2 nutih påtu v rájya-lakshmim || 1 Teasy-&nk-&vanir-&nupamanamdasamdôha-mula
chamchadvasorchaladalamayi bhUshaņa-praudhapushy&(shpå) sallåvanyôdayasuphalini Parvvatîprêma-vallt lakshmim pushpâty= ana-dinam-ativyakta-bhaktys
Datânam || 2 Vikstamukuta-madyattêja3 sa vyomni daity&n=iva bhuvi maņimayya mêkhalayaḥ kvaņēna | Ananurayita
Bildhamsakaisatrásayanti p hanipatibhuvan-Am tag=Chamika vah kriyê-stu || 3 8śrimad-Vatsamaharshi-harshanayanddbh atât vu(ba)paraprabha-purvvorvvid hars.
maulimukh yasikharalamkara-tigmadyutih prithvim trátu. 4 muspasta daityatimirah ert-Chhamânaḥ pura virah k shirasamudrasődara
yasorasiprak&f=bhayat || 4 10 Ratn-êvalyám-iva npipa-tatan tat-kramo visrutâyán
1 The proper relation to Udayasinha of the Manavasimhs who is mentioned in my account of Rapadert's inscription, above, Vol. IV. p. 818, will be given below, under D.
• So the name is spelt in the inscription. The published texts of the inscriptions Nos. 704, 706 and 707 (of A.D. 1282, 1286 and 1289) of my Northern List have 8d meatasindaddva.
From rubbing applied to me by Mr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha. • Denated by a symbol
Metro: Sragdhari.
Metre: MandAkrinta 1 Metre : MAlint.
Metre : Sardilavikridits. • Originally prabhd ww engraved, but the sign for d has been struck out. 10 Metre of rerie 5 and 6: MandAkrinta