No. 27.]
Friday, the 29th March A.D. 1286, which was the 4th day of the month of Mêsha, and on which the 3rd tithi of the bright half (of the first Vaisakha) ended 19 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise, while the nakshatra was Krittikâ exactly as stated above under the other date. But this day would fall in the 10th or 11th, not in the 9th, year of Jațâvarman Sundara-Pandya II.
The result is that the date is one of either the 8th year of Jatavarman Sundara-Pandya I., or the 10th (or 11th) year of Jațâvarman Sundara-Pandya II.
57. In the Vriddhapuriśvara temple at Tiruppuṇavâsal."
1 Svasti śr[i] [*] Sakabdam
2 1339n mêl érî
3 Kônêranmaiko[n]
4 dân-Tribhuvanachchakravatti
5 śri-Vikrama-Pânḍyadêvar
6 [2âvadu e]dir 15 Makara-nâyarru
7 pûrvva-pakshattu pañjamiyum
8 Budha-v[a]ramum perra Uttara (ra)9 [âdi]-.
"In the 15th opposite the [2nd year] (of the reign) (of) the glorious Kônêran maikondan, the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Vikrama-Paṇḍyadeva, (which was current) after the Saka year 1339,- on the day of Uttara-Bhadrapada, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Makara."
For Saka-samvat 1339 expired this date regularly corresponds to Wednesday, the 12th January A.D. 1418, which was the 17th day of the month of Makara, and on which the 5th tithi of the bright half (of Mâgha) ended 11 h. 12 m., while the nakshatra was Uttara-Bhadrapada for 11 h. 10 m., after moan sunrise.
3 Attattu nâl.
58. In the Viraṭṭânêsvara temple at Kilûr.
1 Svasti śr[i] [] [] Kögėrimělkondig Kônêrimelkondan Vikkirama-Pandiyadė[varka
2 yându 8avadu
kkilamaiyum [p]en
Tribhu [va]nachchakkaravattiga!
pûrvva-pakshattu pañjamiyum
"In the 8th year (of the reign) of Kôperimelkoṇḍân, the emperor of the three worlds. the glorious Vikrama-Paṇḍyadeva,- on the day of Hasta, which corresponded to a Friday and to the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Karkataka."
1 Kônêraguaikondan or Kônêrimêlkondân.
No. 612 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1902. No. 287 of the same collection.
Judging by the preceding date, this date would be expected to fall in about A.D. 1408, and it actually corresponds to Friday, the 27th July A.D. 1408, which was the 30th day of the month of Karkataka, and on which the 5th tithi of the bright half (of Śrâvapa) ended 18 h. 16 m., while the nakshatra was Hasta, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 9 h. 51 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 6 h. 34 m., after mean sunrise.